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Analyze search results

Last modified: 23 September 2024

If any of the ReSharper's navigation and search actions produces multiple results, these results can be displayed in the Find Results window, which provides a lot of ways to analyze the search results.

You can change the default behavior so that even the single found usage is also displayed in the Find Results window. To do so, clear the Go to Usage: if there is only one result.... checkbox on the Environment | Search & Navigation | General page of ReSharper options Alt+R, O.

Some actions, for example Find Usages automatically display the results in this window. For other actions, you can do it manually when a popup with the search results is displayed —click Show in Find Results ThemedIcon.SearchResults.Screen.(Gray).png, press Shift+Enter or + on the numeric keypad.

Results of each new navigation or search action are displayed in a new tab of the Find Results window, so you can easily get back to previous searches.

If you close the Find Results window, you can always reopen it by choosing ReSharper | Windows | Find Results in the main menu or by pressing CtrlAltF12. Tabs with search results are preserved until you close the solution.