At JetBrains, we believe that to make great tools, we should listen to our users and try to involve them every step of the way. Our Early Access Program (EAP) lets you try pre-release builds of our products and influence the development planning from the earliest stages.
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This is an early access version of the product
You expressly acknowledge that this version of the product may not be reliable, may not work as intended and may contain errors. Any use of the EAP product is at your own risk.
We've fixed RXJS type inference on using tap() in Angular applications ( WEB-71482).
We've improved Angular support getting rid of duplicated Unresolved pipe messages (WEB -71557).
We've implemented resolution for the @ViewChild selector inside control flow blocks (WEB-71756).
We've fixed the problem with providing JS type location for OneTimeBindingSymbols which resulted in a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Server is trying to evaluate type using forbidden config file: null exception (WEB-71764).
We've implemented recognition of style bindings units in Angular applications (WEB -71777).
We've extended the context menu of a folder with an option to mark the folder as excluded or non-excluded (WEB-70418).
We've added a Dynamic usages filter to the Find tool window and to the popup so text and string usages can be filtered out from the list of search results (WEB-67677).
We've enhanced HTTP Client support by providing API for global headers (IJPL-174789).
We've fixed the problem with Marketplace plugin uninstallation (IJPL-178608).
We've fixed the problem with configuring and editing Docker connection types (IJPL-179099).
We've enhanced the Search Everywhere functionality adding Semantic Search in the Classes tab (IJPL-61973).
We've fixed the problem with switching to another language in the Remote Development mode so that both the frontend and the backend are restarted with the new language (IJPL-178315).
The REST Client response handler regex no longer fails (IJPL-178534).
We've improved the appearance and behavior of editor tabs with the Show pinned tabs in a separate row option enabled so tabs no longer bounce if there is not enough (IJPL-178708).
The Merge with AI action is now disabled when a conflicting file is added to aiignore (IJPL-178106).
We've fixed the IDE freeze that occurred on sequential opening JCEF preview (IJPL-177883).
We've added statistics for usages of the Structure toolwindow (IJPL-175686).
We've improved the appearance of the title and the message in the Confirm add ignored file dialog (IJPL-177934).
We've renamed the Automatically exclude ignored directories from the project structure option to Automatically exclude ignored directories from indexing thus making it clearer which action it invokes (IJPL-177647).
GitHub Extension now supports login (IJPL-174769).
We've fixed the problem with restoring connection on the frontend side (IJPL-171933).
We've fixed the embeddings-server crash on Windows (IJPL-164063).
We've made integration with Prettier friendlier by changing a misleading Disable Prettier for current project option name to Disable Prettier Code Style for Current Project (WEB-71683).
We've added code completion for name attributes in @expo/vector-icons components (WEB-67900).
We've added support for Source Phase Imports in ECMAScript (WEB-66664).
We've added support for the import defer syntax (WEB-69587).
We've fixed the problem with sharing linked projects on GitHub in the Multiple Projects Workspace mode ( IJPL-177374).
The Recent Files switcher now works properly via the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) in the Remote Development mode (IJPL-177136).
Settings specified on Settings | Languages & Frameworks | Markdown are now properly saved and applied in the Remote Development mode (IJPL-165703).
We've fixed the appearance and behavior of the cursor in the Reworked Terminal so that the cursor is displayed double-width wide when it is positioned at a double-width wide character (IJPL-176138).
We've optimized calculation of width for monospace font symbols (IJPL-164427).
We've improved performance of per-root refresh // git status (IJPL-165650).
We've updated the Prisma LSP version 6.3.1 (WEB-71547).
We've improved integration with Prisma adding support for ULID (WEB-71197).
We've added support for Angular blocks (WEB-63590).
We've fixed autocompletion for props from Vue.js components with typed slots and the consequent problems with detecting Vue.js components during auto import in templates (WEB-69114).
We've fixed autocompletion and auto import for Vue.js components from the inertiajs/vue3 library (WEB-64517).
We've added syntax error highlighting for the assert keyword in import statements (WEB-69589).
We've fixed the problem with resolving internal symbols in empty tuples `[]` (WEB-71009).
We've added highlighting for parameter options in the Parameter Info popup (WEB-37926).
We've improved the GraphQL support adding a GraphQL injection into the first argument of the gql function calls (WEB-71611).
We've fixed the problem with initializing a Node.js project via pnpm init -y when pnpm version later than 7.x is used (WEB-56030).
We've fixed a false Unused default export for configuration files with names starting with a dot ( .) (WEB-67547).
We've improved Jet-based cloud completion for web frameworks (WEB-69868).
Machine Learning logs now show which inspections caused filtering out suggestions (WEB-70922).
We've fixed the behaviour of the Browser popup so it is shown or hidden in XML or HTML files according to the IDE settings (WEB-71342).
We download diagnosticMessages.json in DiagnosticTemplatesEnProvider to parse and highlight diagnostic messages from the TypeScript service (WEB-71432).
We've rewritten JSAsyncLanguageServiceBase.checkAlive() thus preventing IDE freezes (WEB-71448).
We've fixed the error on starting the IDE with the IllegalArgumentException: Value contains code point U+0000 exception thrown (IJPL-171840).
We've fixed performance metrics in containers (IJPL-170713).
We've improved performance in the Terminal optimizing calculation of monospace font symbol width (IJPL-164427).
We've fixed the stub/psi inconsistency so files are no longer sent to reindexing without appropriate error messages (IJPL-177411).
We've fixed the IDE freeze on opening the context menu when the Catppuccin Latte or Gerry* Light theme is used (IJPL-172384).
Plugin updates on the Marketplace are now detected correctly (IJPL-175450).
The Recent Files switcher now works through RPC in the Remote Development mode (IJPL-177136).
We've fixed the problem with loading GitHub enterprise pull requests in tool windows (IJPL-175710).
We've added to the list of trusted domains for plugin installation (IJPL-164619).
The Main menu options are now discoverable via Search Everywhere (IJPL-177230).
A suggestion to restart the IDE is now displayed on changing the compatibility property in the Registry (IJPL-176827).
We've fixed the problem with connecting to the development machine when using JetBrains Gateway for remote development (IJPL-170651).
We've fixed the problem with creating DevContainers when using Podman (IJPL-163039).
We've improved error highlighting so it is not affected by exceptions from registerFixes (IJPL-177223).
ShellCheck now detects errors in shell scripts on WSL correctly (IJPL-176254).
We've removed the extraneous YAML Extension for Remote Client plugin (IJPL-176102).
We've fixed the problem with the IDE remaining half-initialized on pressing Escape during project opening (IJPL-177114).
We've fixed the dubious ownership exception that was thrown when building a development container by cloning sources (IJPL-171651).
We've fixed the hover height of the Hamburger and Chevron icons in the Distraction Free Mode (IJPL-177106).
We've improved the appearance and behaviour of the Quick Documentation tool window so no extra spaces are added after copying a text fragment (IJPL-149061).
We've fixed the problem with removing the .md extensions in links after renaming Markdown files (IJPL-92334).
We've restored notifications when excluding folders from Windows Defender fails (IJPL-177000).
We've restored the kernel availability in per-client services (IJPL-176847).
We've fixed presentation of files and symlinks to containing folders so no duplicates are shown (IJPL-175670).
We've fixed the Cmd+A shortcut so it invokes the Select All action from the Git tool window in the Remote Development mode (IJPL-173940).
We've fixed highlighting for untrusted nodes in the Untrusted Server's Certificate dialog (IJPL-176365).
We've fixed the erroneous coloring of icons in the merged menu on resizing the IDE (IJPL-176146).
We've fixed the appearance of the merged menu on the Remote Development mode so the Project widget is colored correctly (IJPL-176137).
We've fixed the problem with detecting the launch configuration that resulted in the IDE failing to start (IJPL-172055).
We've fixed the problem with updating the main toolbar on switching between UI modes (IJPL-176831).
We've restored the custom project icon in the Project widget (IJPL-176510).
We've fixed the coloring of the main toolbar and restored the Show Project Gradient option (IJPL-176509).
We've fixed the problem with running HTTP tests on JDK 22 when at least one test contains a pre-request script (IJPL-161295).
We've expanded Angular support by improving syntax highlighting within templates, providing code completion for binding keys and template context properties, adding the Rename refactoring for template binding keys mapped to directive inputs, and displaying a parameter info popup on inserting an attribute from code completion (WEB-53009).
We've added support for signal queries introduced in Angular 17.2 (WEB-65418).
We've fixed erroneous dimming out of a non-unique Angular template variable within a @switch block (WEB-65434).
We've fixed a false Unused variable error that was displayed for multiple occurrences of a variable when @ViewChildren was used in an Angular component (WEB-58908).
We've fixed the problem with the import popup being cancelled on completing a directive (WEB-71478).
We've improved Tailwind CSS support so the documentation popup shows PX units with CSS variables (WEB-71439).
We've added support for file references after @config, @plugin, and @source in Tailwind 4 projects (WEB-71454).
We've added support for directives and functions introduced in Tailwind 4 (WEB -71407).
We've fixed the problem with detecting usages of React props when the Use types from server checkbox is selected in the Settings dialog (WEB-69698).
We've improved Full Line completion introducing new red-code checks (WEB-66221).
We've added support for running Karma tests with an asynchronous configuration file (WEB-52234).
We've fixed the behaviour of the Browser popup so it is shown or hidden in XML or HTML files according to the IDE settings (WEB-71342).
We've improved HTML support by preventing the parameter info popup from being displayed automatically (WEB-35824).
We've fixed the Rename refactoring in Astro code invoked for a symbol defined via the define:vars directive so a human-readable display name is suggested (WEB-63786).
Extensive cleanup of memory cashes is now performed only on double-clicking the memory indicator on the Status bar (IJPL-176667).
We've fixed the behaviour of the Trust and Open Project dialog regarding adding folders to the MicrosoftDefender exclusion list checkbox is no longer shown when the IDE cache folder is not on the trusted dev drive while the project is (IJPL-172421, IJPL-172211).
We've fixed the problem with running sh scripts in the WSL Shell (IJPL-175972).
We've fixed the behaviour of Gateway when it is started from the IDE so the Open SSH Terminal action is available (IJPL-176477).
We've fixed the focus in the non-modal Settings tab so it always moves to the Search field on typing (IJPL-176126).
Toolkit information is now added to the troubleshooting.txt ( IJPL-171213).
We've fixed the File Chooser in WSL so it shows all available WSL distros (IJPL-174097).
We've fixed a performance problem with high CPU usage in the GitHub plugin (IJPL-160204).
The JB Client now restarts successfully with several projects opened in project tabs (IJPL-171305).
We've fixed the behaviour of the Close (X) button in the Remote Development mode so that the Stop or Keep Running dialog is shown (IJPL-168452).
The IDE now restarts on clicking the Disable and Restart button in the Disable Plugin dialog (IJPL-1311).
We've fixed scrolling down in the Reworked Terminal so completion suggestions are accessible (IJPL-176464).
We've fixed the behaviour of the Reworked Terminal so the cursor no longer moves to a new line on pressing Space (IJPL-176423).
We've fixed a #o.j.p.t.b.r.TerminalSessionController exception that was thrown in the Reworked Terminal on running several commands (IJPL-176215).
We've added support for relevant IDE shortcuts in the Reworked Terminal (IJPL-165667).
We've fixed the behaviour of the cursor in the Reworked Terminal (IJPL-176339).
We've fixed a java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException exception that was thrown in the Reworked Terminal on resizing the IDE window (IJPL-176002).
We've improved support of the Reworked Terminal adding a context menu (IJPL-175146).
The Start SSH Session action can now be invoked via Find Action (IJPL-170402).
We've fixed the problem with opening the Switcher popup with a screen reader enabled (IJPL-175789).
We've fixed the problem with dragging-and-dropping files from the host to the client so the target location is no longer replaced with the client's home directory (IJPL-165774).
We've reworked the UI of the Run/Debug Configurations dialog so that its options are no longer misleading for screen reader users (IJPL-162940).
We've enabled out-of-process JCEF by default in Windows (IJPL-172674).
We've fixed the Navigate to Source action for project-level library nodes in diagrams (IJPL-176065).
We've added a refactoring to extract an Angular template or a templateURL to a template file and a refactoring to inline template files (WEB-57878).
We've added code completion and code generation to create FormControl, FormGroup and FormArray instances in Angular components (WEB-29262).
We've improved the Angular support by fixing the problem with recognizing inputId from PrimeNG p-password as id (WEB-62929).
We've extended the Angular support showing suggestions for property names id, title and description on property binding (WEB-64473).
We've fixed highlighting of unused variables in the Angular @for snippets (WEB-65954).
We've fixed the false-positive Duplicate id reference report when a dynamic ID is used in Angular applications (WEB-42484).
We've fixed validation in Angular templates with interpolation used in an id attribute (WEB-38290).
We've fixed a false positive Invalid ID reference error that was reported when using BootstrapVue components (WEB-43981).
We've fixed a false positive Invalid id reference error that was reported when an HTML form was referenced from a nested Vue component (WEB-50211).
We've fixed a false positive Invalid id reference that was reported when a <select id="..."> element and a <label for="..."> referenced the same id (WEB-52988).
We've fixed a false positive Duplicate id reference that was reported when two empty id attributes were detected (WEB-13584).
We've fixed a false positive Duplicate id reference that was reported when microtemplates were used (WEB-10365).
We've added support for ESLint configuration files with custom names (WEB-70127).
We've fixed incorrect ESLint error highlighting for violations of the no-null-assertion rule (WEB-65375).
We've improved the appearance and behaviour of the Quick Fix popup by showing quick fixes, especially imports, provided by a language service at the top of the list when no suggestions from WebStorm are available (WEB-68635).
We've fixed a false positive Invalid id reference error that was reported in Astro projects when a for attribute from props was used (WEB-69040).
We've fixed the problem with applying changes to a prettier.config.mjs/prettier.config.cjs without restarting WebStorm (WEB-70641).
We've fixed the problem with applying environment variables in a Bun run configuration to process.env in bun (WEB-71258).
We've fixed the problem with reflecting updates to the node_modules folder so the Settings dialog shows the actual versions of packages (WEB-71353).
Updated plugins are detected and downloaded automatically when WebStorm starts (IJPL-6046).
We've added a Merge Main Menu with Main toolbar option to show the main menu merged with the main toolbar (IJPL-43725).
We've added support for GPG signing in remote setup (IJPL-149731).
We've extended the Settings Sync Authentication Service API so it supports authorization in the Remote Development mode (IJPL-13365).
We've improved the appearance of the Status bar widget list in the Remote Development mode (IJPL-171608).
We've improved the look-and-feel of the Diff context menu placing the Annotate with Git Blame action first in the list (IJPL-175672).
WebStorm now preserves its size and position on restart or on re-opening a project (IJPL-171294).
We've improved the Git integration always preselecting the file on which Annotate with Git Blame was invoked in the Git tool window (IJPL-157527).
We've fixed the WebStorm freeze that occurred on opening a new project from VCS when another project is already open (IJPL-175730).
We've fixed the problem in Dev Containers with propagating user when creating a sub-shell in postCreateCommand (IJPL-173187).
We've improved performance during pre-commit spelling checks (IJPL-163901).
We've improved the appearance of the Run inspection by name dialog so all its components are reachable (IJPL-17414).
In the Remote Development mode, the Pinned status for a files is now preserved after restarting WebStorm (IJPL-168963).
In the Remote Development mode, the new project color is now preserved after reopening a project (IJPL-170762).
We've fixed the problem with the constantly growing number of files in ~/.cache/JetBrains/RemoteDev/active (IJPL-170645).
We've fixed the problem with accessing the labels of fields in the Data Source Configuration dialog when a screen reader is used (IJPL-58440).
The All Files in One Diff view is now available in the Remote Development mode (IJPL-158972).
We've fixed the problem with preserving the Presentation, Full Screen or Zen mode on restarting the Client (IJPL-170112).
We've fixed the problem with preserving the sizes of dialogs and popups on restarting WebStorm in the Remote Development mode (IJPL-170090).
We've fixed performance issues that occurred when deleting files from the Project tree (IJPL-166229).
We've fixed scrolling to cursor on reopening a file or a project (IJPL-171839).
We've fixed the Progress bar crash with an IllegalArgumentException that occurred when an HTTP file contained more than 18 requests (IJPL-172291).
We've fixed the java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: length must be 2 or greater, was 1 that was thrown on the HTTP Client Docker image request (IJPL-173629).
We've fixed STUB inconsistency caused by project shared indexes (IJPL-174884).
We've improved user experience for Linux users adding an Unsupported OS notification when glibc version is earlier than 2.8 (IJPL-174902).
We've fixed the problem with the native launcher's not setting boot classpath (IJPL-174985).
We've improved the appearance and behaviour of popups invoked from the Project view by adjusting the size of a popup when it becomes empty, remembering the previous popup size, and restoring the saved size when the popup becomes non-empty again (IJPL-175185).
We've fixed the problem with working on Amazon Linux 2 in the Remote Development mode (IJPL-175194).
We've improved the appearance of the Customize Main Toolbar submenu by removing mnemonics (IJPL-175309).
We've fixed WebStorm crash with a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError exception on attempt to load a GIF image from a plugin description (IJPL-175323).
We've fixed the problem with the Dev Container notification remaining on the screen after a DevContainer-related action is performed (IJPL-175432).
We've fixed the problem with the frontend opening the remote port instead of the local one if the stored reverse forwarded port was occupied on the remote side (IJPL-175570).
We've fixed the problem with cleaning up all stored reverse port forwarding ports erroneously with an earlier WebStorm version (IJPL-175572).
We've fixed a problem in DevContainers with the host IDE closing before the Client opens (IJPL-175628).
We've improved the appearance and behaviour of the Debug tool window removing duplicated Explore Elements inlay hints (IJPL-175629).
We've improved the appearance of the Merge with Main Menu submenu by ensuring correct scaling for previously hidden Main Menu items (IJPL-175770).
We've added support for prettier configuration per subproject (WEB-45848).
We've fixed props completion for custom type doesn't work in useState<typename> with the Use types from server checkbox selected (WEB-71023).
We've implemented recognition of CSS class usages in Angular host bindings (WEB-57218).
We've fixed the false positive Method expression is not of Function type warning that appeared in host property bindings of directive decorators (WEB-69630).
We've added syntax highlights in host in Angular abstract components (WEB-69214).
We've added highlighting for references to Angular symbols across the codebase according to their type (WEB-71199).
We've added events completion for @HostListener (WEB-35913).
We've added auto import and syntax highlighting for sibling packages in monorepos (WEB-71210).
We've fixed the problem with showing duplicate Tailwind CSS color decorators (WEB-71296).
We've fixed the problem with showing the Yarn package version if the Package Manager field is set to pnpm and Corepack is used (WEB-71291).
We've fixed the problem in Yarn+Corepack integration so packageManager field is no longer added automatically to package.json after opening Settings | Languages & Frameworks | Node.js (WEB-71105).
We've implemented a flowing toolbar for JavaScript (WEB-68037).
We've intellisense in large Nx Typescript monorepos (WEB-70868).
We've fixed the problem with closing the browser automatically on stopping a debugging session (WEB-71238).
We've improved the Prisma integration by adding support for multiline comments (WEB-70929).
We've implemented preview of parameter hints for various contexts in the Settings dialog (WEB-70167).
We've added creating Next.js run configs automatically to facilitate full-stack debugging experience (WEB-68616).
We've removed the duplicated error message for private fields when the Angular TS plugin is enabled (WEB-71166).
We've added full support for Angular host listeners and bindings (WEB-37060).
We've improved Angular support by adding quick fixes in inline templates (WEB-71165).
We've fixed the problem with false positive error Unresolved variable or type $event shown for host properties inside decorators (WEB-54226).
We've fixed the problem with considering host CSS classes unused (WEB-69529).
We've improved the look-and-feel of the Licenses dialog so the checked or pressed state of the Paid license/Start trial segmented button is no longer confusing on Windows (IJPL-160122).
We've introduced an option to toggle the visibility of the floating toolbar (IJPL-174928).
We've implemented switching between tool windows with one click (IJPL-173913).
We've improved the WebStorm behaviour on clicking the Memory indicator on the Status bar so now releasing caches in native memory is invoked (IJPL-174959).
We've fixed blinking in Quick Evaluate selections (IJPL-174893).
We've improved look-and-feel of watches in the Debug tool window so WebStorm grays out watches that cannot be evaluated in the current context (IJPL-174016).
We've fixed the quick Evaluate action so it is applied to the right expression (IJPL-174870).
The Shelf tab of the Commit tool window now works withoutLUX in the Remote Development mode (IJPL-160237).
We've fixed search by directory in the Recent Files/Switcher (IJPL-174725).
We've fixed the problem with disappearance of custom toolbar icons for External tools after restarting Webstorm (IJPL-172075).
We've fixed interaction between tool windows in the Undocked mode and popups on click (IJPL-173911).
We've simplified creation of a new project from the Project tool window (IJPL-49322).
We've improved the lokk-and-feel of the Debug tool window by removing duplicated actions from the More popup (IJPL-174724).
We've fixed the problem with loading revisions to merge when opening the Conflicts dialog (IJPL-158448).
We've improved the NodeJS Test Runner support so new run configurations are created with the loader specified in the configuration template (WEB-70632).
Auto import now uses path aliases defined in the exports property in package.json (WEB-64647, WEB-69642).
We've added a template for creating Nuxt projects (WEB-69755).
We've improved performance of code analysis against package.json (WEB -53778).
We've improved support for Tailwind CSS 4 so the @utility at-rule is recognized (WEB-71033).
We've fixed the problem with resolving internal symbols in empty tuples `[]` (WEB-71009).
We've added highlighting for .mjs and .mts test files with .test., .spec. or .cy. patterns in the name (WEB-69389).
We've improved support for Next.js adding highlighting of use cache as known pragma (WEB -70288).
We've improved detection of test frameworks during unit test generation (WEB-67152).
We've improved unit test generation so naming for newly generated tests complies with the existing naming conventions (WEB-70382).
We've fixed broken formatting in generated test for Vue.js code ( WEB-70381).
We've improved debugger configuration showing a warning when the user selects a browser where debugging is not supported (WEB-48660).
We've made integration with the TypeScript language service friendlier showing a progress indicator while loading a TypeScript project (WEB-70447).
We've fixed the problem with running processes in \\wsl.localhost\ projects on Windows 10 (WEB-70562).
We've fixed the problem with the JSON plugin dependency missing in WeChat (WEB-70642).
We've fixed Netty thread leaks in the JavaScript debugger (WEB-70742).
We've fixed erroneous highlighting of member variables as unused (WEB -68793).
We've added an option to build a JSImportGraph for detached TypeScript and JavaScript files outside the scope of the current tsconfig.json files and then use the search scope based on this graph for augmentation processing (WEB-69898).
We've fixed the Cannot find external directory exception that was thrown on opening a project or creating a new one (WEB-65465).
WebStorm in-product links are now forwarded to the correct region (WEB-70728).
We've fixed the com.intellij.openapi.project.IndexNotReadyException (WEB-69883).
We've fixed incorrect mutex holder in JSLanguageServiceQueueImpl that resulted in throwing an exception (WEB-70857).
We've improved debugging with Bun so stopOnEntry is respected during a debugging session (WEB-70372).
We've fixed the problem with marking CSS selectors as unused if the component is imported as default (WEB-70116).
We've improved generating a project from a React Native template the npx --package react-native-cli react-native init command with npx react-native init, which is officially recommended (WEB-58913).
We've fixed the freeze caused by JSLanguageServiceQueueImpl.execute(No)Blocking (WEB-70799).
We've optimized memory usage for web console entities thus decreasing RAM consumption (WEB-70881).