What is Hyperskill?

Hyperskill is the third-party platform that hosts JetBrains Academy. While most of JetBrains Academy is available online via hyperskill.org, some of the features are only accessible through JetBrains IDEs.

By using any of the services offered as part of JetBrains Academy, you agree that your personal data will be processed in accordance with the JetBrains Privacy Notice and the Hyperskill Privacy Policy. You also agree that your use of any JetBrains products is subject to the then-current terms and conditions, and your use of JetBrains Academy is subject to the Terms of Service.

Is the learning content only available in English?

Yes. The learning content, including topics and product descriptions, is currently only available in English.

What is the difference between personal subscriptions and subscriptions for organizations?

Personal subscriptions are purchased by individuals and cannot be reimbursed by a third party. The subscription owner cannot transfer their personal subscription to anyone else, and they cannot provide it or lend it to anyone else to access JetBrains Academy.

Organizational subscriptions are purchased by a company or an educational institution, which can then provide access to JetBrains Academy for Organizations to its employees, contractors, interns, or students. Organizational subscriptions include additional functionality that allows organizations to administer the learning process.

What’s the difference between tracks marked as Free and Beta?

Tracks marked as Beta are still under construction. In order to start learning on Beta tracks, you’ll need to register at JetBrains Academy and start a free trial. Once your trial is over, you’ll need to purchase a subscription in order to continue using that track.

Free tracks, including Beta tracks marked as Free, are available at no cost and do not require starting a trial. Simply register at JetBrains Academy, choose a track, select a project, and start learning to program right away.

How do I arrange for my organization to buy me a JetBrains Academy subscription?

Follow our JetBrains Academy for Organizations page for more information. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our sales team.

What do I need to do to set up a paid subscription once my trial is over?

Once your trial is over, you will need to create a JetBrains Account or sign in to an existing one. You will find all the instructions for setting up your subscription under your profile settings on the platform. The price of your subscription will depend on the plan you choose. See the pricing page for more details.

How can I manage my JetBrains Academy subscription?

You can manage your subscription through your JetBrains Account. You can find all the instructions under your profile settings on the platform.

Will studying on your platform increase my chances of getting a job?

Learning with JetBrains Academy has already helped our learners become more prepared for their job interviews. Check out this interview with a student of ours who succeeded in his technical interview and got the job he was applying for. In addition, the more complex JetBrains Academy projects are inspired by test assignments for junior developer positions. However, we do not have any special agreements with IT companies and therefore can’t make any guarantees.

How can I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time. Log into your JetBrains Account and follow the instructions under your profile settings.

After my subscription ends, will I be able to review the topics and solutions that I worked on while my subscription was active?

All the code you write in your IDE while solving code challenges or working on projects is stored locally on your machine, and you can keep it without any restrictions. We are working on providing access to your learning history after your subscription ends. Feel free to comment and vote for the corresponding feature request in our issue tracker.

I didn't find an answer to my question

Here is a more detailed FAQ. You're welcome to visit our website, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, and Reddit for additional information and resources.

Contact our sales team regarding any pricing and purchasing questions you may have. If you would like to partner with us, send us an email at academy@jetbrains.com and we can discuss the possibilities available to you. If you have any technical issues or other questions, contact our support team.

Is the learning content only available in English?

Yes. The learning content, including topics and product descriptions, is currently only available in English.

What is the difference between personal subscriptions and subscriptions for organizations?

Personal subscriptions are purchased by individuals and cannot be reimbursed by a third party. The subscription owner cannot transfer their personal subscription to anyone else, and they cannot provide it or lend it to anyone else to access JetBrains Academy.

Organizational subscriptions are purchased by a company or an educational institution, which can then provide access to JetBrains Academy for Organizations to its employees, contractors, interns, or students. Organizational subscriptions include additional functionality that allows organizations to administer the learning process.

What’s the difference between tracks marked as Free and Beta?

Tracks marked as Beta are under development. Free tracks as well as Beta tracks marked as Free are available at no cost and do not require starting a trial for individual learners.

Do you offer a trial version for JetBrains Academy for Organizations?

Each member of your organization can individually try the platform to decide whether JetBrains Academy is right for them and whether they want to continue learning with it.

Do you offer a monthly subscription to JetBrains Academy for Organizations?

No, only annual subscriptions are available for organizations.

What do we need to do to set up a paid subscription for the members of my organization?

If you decide to move to the Organizational plan during your free trial or while learning with the Free plan, you can do so via the Pricing page by clicking on the Choose Organizational button. You’ll then be able to invite members of your organization to join you. Your progress with JetBrains Academy will be saved.

If you or members of your team already have an active subscription to the Personal plan, we’ll be happy to help you transition to the Organizational plan while saving your progress. Please contact our sales team for more information on how to proceed with the transfer.

What payment options are available for organizations?

Organizations can pay online by credit card or PayPal. We also accept purchase orders, and additional payment options may be available for some regions. Contact our sales team for more information about the payment options available in your region.

How can I manage JetBrains Academy for Organizations subscriptions?

We provide free JetBrains Academy access for one user who manages your organization’s subscription. See our Help Center for more details.

How can I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time. Log into your JetBrains Account and follow the instructions under the profile settings of the owner account.

After the subscription ends, will the members of my organization be able to review the topics and solutions they worked on while their subscription was active?

All the code that learners write in their IDEs while solving code challenges or working on projects is stored locally on their machines, and they can keep it without any restrictions. We are working on providing access to the learning history after the subscription ends. Feel free to comment and vote for the corresponding feature request in our issue tracker.

I didn't find an answer to my question

Here is the Help Center, where you can get answers to your questions about user and subscription management. You're welcome to visit our website, blog, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, and Reddit for additional information and resources.

Contact our sales team regarding any pricing and purchasing questions you may have. If you want to partner with us, please send us an email at academy@jetbrains.com and we can discuss the possibilities available to you. If you have any technical issues or other questions, contact our support team.