
2,085 new individuals become JetBrains customers every day!

91% Growth in the purchase of the All Products Pack

1 in 4 Companies go multi-product within 100 days

1M GoLand became the fastest growing JetBrains product from launch to reach $1M (USD) in sales taking only 83 days

4,810 hours The amount of time TeamCity saves JetBrains every day thanks to the build queue optimization features


JetBrains All Products Pack experienced a whopping 91% growth in purchases during 2018!

115 +5%

new organizations become JetBrains customers every day

2,085 +32%

new individuals become JetBrains customers (free+paying+students) every day (63,419 every month)


of all customers purchased the All Products Pack representing a 5% increase.

PhpStormDataGripPyCharmWebStormIntelliJ IDEAPhpStorm30%DataGrip40%PyCharm50%WebStorm60%IntelliJ IDEA100%
IntelliJ IDEACLionPyCharmDataGripAll Products PackIntelliJ IDEA51%CLion55%PyCharm55%DataGrip58%All Products Pack91%
  • Annual
  • Monthly


76%/4%14%/6%Businesses and organizationsIndividual customers


73%/4%16%/7%Businesses and organizationsIndividual customers

Nearly 29,000 developers took advantage of JetBrains’ Friendship Day Sale!

5173%3445%2365%2364%1791%United StatesRussian FederationJapanUkraineGermany

Product Highlights

JetBrains’ toolkit includes 19 individual tools & IDEs, 4 tools for teams, 4 educational products, and Kotlin.

New Products:

Featured Update:


Try JetBrains Datalore for Data Analysis!
Datalore, an intelligent web application from JetBrains for data analysis in Python, reaches its public release. Explore datasets, build powerful predictive models, create rich visualizations and invite colleagues to get better insights.

Ring UI

Ring UI 1.0 introduces a new visual language, customization and theming support, new components, and other improvements.

Kotlin 1.3 Released

Coroutines, Kotlin/Native, and Multiplatform Projects

New Per-Usage Pricing Model for YouTrack Cloud Launches

The new per-usage pricing model for YouTrack Cloud has launched. As we've announced before, this model lets you pay exactly for the number of users or the amount of disk space that you need. The first three users are always free, so you start paying from the fourth user onward.

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for the latest company and products news. Annotated, our technology specific coverages, take a look at the latest releases, trends, and content.

  • JetBrains Community Newsletter
  • Java Annotated Monthly
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JetBrains Marketplace

A new platform for third-party plugin vendors

Marketplace is the next generation of the plugin repository, turning it into a marketplace for third-party plugin developers to sell their plugins while taking advantage of licensing and billing solutions provided by JetBrains.

More than 100 vendors are participating in the EAP.

Learn More and Apply

39 55 75 911411892844595216432009201020112012201320142015201620172018


49 68 871191792433398046288022009201020112012201320142015201620172018


42 56 82103151228326776596749


712 516281513283253


339 410 609 9971666256437376408846899002009201020112012201320142015201620172018


294 329 505 699114719732881450953386220


45 81 104 298 519 591 856189931303280
  • 0.9M
  • 4M
  • 14M
  • 16M
  • 23M
  • 39M
  • 51M
991117 460683114104731166662422365475639448394517267462012201320142015201620172018
  • 0.2M
  • 1M
  • 2M
  • 5M
  • 7M
  • 10M
  • 14M
188262 1008048 2476117 5346365 779763139448394148685242012201320142015201620172018

Total plugin repository traffic: 1200 TB
(vs 650 TB in 2017)

3,246 plugins total


254 packages


360 plugins


Hub widgets introduced (15 widgets available now for Hub, YouTrack & Upsource)

It’s been great going, thanks to you!