The .NET Memory Profiler

Fight All Types of Memory Issues

dotMemory allows you to analyze memory usage in a variety of .NET and .NET Core applications: desktop applications, Windows services, ASP.NET web applications, IIS, IIS Express, arbitrary .NET processes, and more.

Easily control the profiling process

Use the timeline view to monitor the memory consumed by your application in real time. Collect the info on allocations as you need it.

Collect profiling data

Take snapshots with a single click without stopping your profiling session, add them to compare or browse memory traffic during a particular timeframe.

Auto-detect issues

Thanks to the multiple powerful built-in inspections, most common memory issues are detected with a single click, no manual effort required. Just get a snapshot and be guided toward optimizing the memory usage.

Analyse deeper

For in-depth analysis, dotMemory offers many different criteria to apply to memory usage data, so you can view the data from thousands of different angles, and drill-down, dice, slice or pivot as you wish.

Determine traffic

Analyse memory traffic in a particular timeframe to understand the cause of excessive allocations and garbage collections. Determine how objects were allocated and collected and what methods are behind these allocations.

Why dotMemory

Automatic inspections

dotMemory automatically scans your snapshot for the most common types of memory issues. These inspections can be a great starting point in analyzing a snapshot if you're not sure where to begin.

Multiple views on data

Want to know how the objects relate to each other? What objects they reference and through what fields? Want to know which calls created these objects? No problem! dotMemory has a view for everything.

Visual Studio and Rider integration

You can profile memory usage in your applications right from Visual Studio or JetBrains Rider. Also, you can profile unit tests quickly when working with ReSharper.

dotMemory Unit

Take advantage of the free unit testing framework to write tests that check your code for all kinds of memory issues. Extend your .NET unit testing framework with the functionality of a memory profiler!

dotUltimate: Empowering Your .NET
and Visual Studio Development

dotUltimate is a single license that allows a single developer to use these JetBrains tools:

dotUltimate license also covers plugins for dotCover, dotTrace, and dotMemory in Rider.

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