Docker For .NET Developers
A jump-start guide for .NET developers interested in Docker and containerization.
Docker and containerization aren't only about achieving planet-scale applications and pushing the limits of software development. Whether we build small apps or earth-scale, we can find a use for this technology that grows in popularity among developers.
This tutorial aims to inform .NET developers who may have heard about Docker but aren't sure what it is, why they should care, and how it fits into developing their distributed .NET applications.

Why Should .NET Developers Care About Docker?
We'll see why containerization is an important topic for .NET Developers.

Common Docker Terminology
Common terms and phrases .NET developers will encounter when working with Docker.

Local .NET Development With Docker
Learn how to work with Docker and JetBrains Rider in our development environment.

JetBrains Rider's Docker Integrations
Learn about Rider's convenient Docker features that make working with containers feel like an ocean breeze.

ASP.NET Core Development with Docker
Learn how Docker can work with your current ASP.NET Core development process.

Docker Compose and Multiple Containers
Learn to use multiple containers to run a complete ASP.NET Solution.