What’s new in GoLand 2023.3

GoLand 2023.3 comes with several significant additions:

  • JetBrains AI Assistant is now generally available with a number of new and improved features to increase your productivity in JetBrains IDEs.
  • Dev Containers are now officially supported. We are working on a feature set and actively developing Dev Containers support, so they come with the “Beta” tag.
  • A huge update for code folding style for error handling, one-line returns and panics, and other code.
  • Multiple hints, refactorings, and quick-fixes to improve your productivity, like hints for slice expressions, code insight for custom printf-like functions, and enhancement to the debugger.

GoLand 2023.3 also offers updates for Docker and Kubernetes integrations, VCS, and some tweaks for web development. Dive right in!


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AI Assistant General Availability

The latest updates include enhanced code generation directly within the editor, context-aware AI chat that answers project-related queries without requiring you to copy code, and project-aware AI actions that use extended context to provide more comprehensive results. A new diff viewer makes it easier to identify changes the AI actions have made to your code.

Use AI Assistant in GoLand as a supplemental feature with a JetBrains AI Service subscription.

AI Assistant for GoLand: Rename

Naming is hard! That’s why the AI Assistant in GoLand will suggest some name ideas for functions to improve readability.

AI Assistant for GoLand: Write documentation

Documenting your code is a mundane routine, albeit a necessary one. The Write documentation action facilitates well-commented code in just a couple of clicks.

AI Assistant for GoLand: Generate Unit Test

AI Assistant can help you to create a test for a specific function or method and will suggest adding more test cases after the initial test class has been created.


Create function in another package quick-fix

This quick-fix allows you to type a non-existing function name and then generate implementation in a package of your choice.

Extract Parameter refactoring

The 2023.3 release comes with the first part of the highly anticipated Extract Parameter refactoring. The Create Parameter quick-fix for unresolved references allows you to select an unresolved reference and use the quick-fix option to create a parameter. It also allows changing its type if it's not precise enough, providing a default value, and changing the calls with the default value.

Dev Containers Beta

Support for Dev Containers

GoLand now supports Dev Containers, allowing you to use containers as a full-featured development environment to edit, build, and run your projects. Dev Containers can be run remotely via an SSH connection or locally using Docker.

Support for Dev Container Features

GoLand 2023.3 provides support for Dev Container Features, providing a convenient and fast way to integrate additional tools, runtimes, and libraries essential for development.

Support for Docker Compose within Dev Containers

We’ve also introduced support for Docker Compose within Dev Containers, enabling the seamless launch of both the main container with the IDE and any dependent containers, such as those with databases or message queues, which are useful during the development process.

Improved code folding

One-line returns and panics

For one-line returns and panics, there will now be an option to use the new concise code folding style, which will look much closer to the original code.

The new folding syntax is enabled by default.

We use a similar approach for case clauses: the upward arrow is removed, and only the double colon is folded.

Functions with single returns

As we’ve done for one-line returns and panics, we’ve also enabled folding for functions with a single return statement.

Error handling

To improve the readability of error-handling code, GoLand automatically folds error-handling if blocks.
For if blocks with error-handling code, GoLand also folds all single statements, for example, with calls to logging.

Disabled code folding for string formatting

We’ve disabled code folding for string formatting to make the relevant syntax more visible. What’s more, the new approach to code folding allows you to edit code blocks without having to expand them.

Code Completion

Switch generation for enums

GoLand can now assist in writing switch statements for enums. It suggests generating cases for all the values in completion.

Warning about missing branches when cases contain constant declared using iota

The inspection helps you keep track of switch expressions for iota constants. The inspection warns you about cases not covered by switch and provides two solutions: to add the missing clauses or to add a default clause.

Run and Build

Code Coverage profiles for programs

The feature allows you to see exactly what code has been reached in single or multiple runs. It also helps detect dead code.
Previously, it worked only for test runs; now, you can run the main function with Coverage too.

Other Go-related features

Parameter hints for slice expressions

Slice expressions can be confusing, especially those with three indices. GoLand will now show you hints while you’re building slices.

Code insight for custom printf-like functions

GoLand provides a lot of useful features for standard printf-like functions: highlighting of placeholders, error detection, code foldings, etc. Now, all these features are available for user-defined printf-like functions.

Data Flow Analysis

GoLand 2023.3 introduces a refined data flow analyzer based on the engine used in CLion. This feature more broadly detects code problems such as potential nil dereference, incorrect or missing error handling, and always true/false conditions.

Please note that this feature is currently in early access and is disabled by default. You can enable it in Settings | Editor | Inspections | Go | Data Flow Analysis (experimental) and provide us with your feedback!

Support local Go installations with asdf

asdf is a CLI tool that lets you manage multiple language runtime versions. In response to feedback from the community, we’ve decided to include asdf support in current version. With this release, GoLand will check the Go version in the .tool-versions file and use the appropriate Go version for the selected project.

Forwards compatibility and toolchain management for Go 1.21

Go 1.21 and later take better care not to miscompile code that requires an even newer version of Go. Specifically, the go line in go.mod now specifies a minimum required Go toolchain version, while in previous releases, it was a mostly unenforced suggestion.

Now, GoLand fully supports this flow and automatically downloads the SDK version specified in a go.mod file using go or toolchain line. The specified version is also automatically set in Go project settings.

Vendoring support performance improvements

GoLand 2023.3 migrated to the modern IntelliJ Platform API, so it does not run go list -m for a second time if the project contains vendor directories. More effective utilization of caches enhances the performance of projects containing many Go modules.


Run to Cursor inlay option

A new Run to Cursor inlay option that offers a quick way to navigate to a specific line of code while debugging. Once your program is suspended, you can hover over the line of code to which you wish to continue execution. You can then utilize the Run to Cursor popup to execute your code until it reaches the line where your cursor is placed.


Support for GitLab snippets

Expanding the GitLab integration, we’ve added support for GitLab snippets. You can now create public or private snippets directly within the IDE.


Option to add cluster contexts from a file

Now, you can easily add kubeconfig contexts from clusters located in directories outside the required system. The project will include links to kubeconfig files, making these clusters available while you work on your project. The kubeconfig contents added in this way won’t be copied to or modified in the system (~/.kube/config). This feature is especially useful when you frequently add and remove Kubernetes clusters from cloud or on-premises environments. Learn more.

Auto-installation of Kubernetes tooling

When you start using the Kubernetes plugin, you may need to install kubectl and/or Helm. If you don’t have them on your machine already, the IDE will offer to automatically install them.

Improved debugging with Telepresence

Telepresence allows you to debug the microservices of a Kubernetes application locally, as if your workstation were a part of the cluster. In this release, we’ve made the Telepresence workflow more accessible by moving it to the cluster’s context menu. We've also streamlined interception management for a smoother debugging experience.

Support for import block in Terraform

GoLand supports top-level import blocks from version 1.5 of the Terraform configuration language. import blocks allow you to bring the current infrastructure under Terraform’s management. When import is used within a code block, it becomes part of the standard plan and apply cycle and ceases to be a state operation. Terraform performs automatic code generation for imported resources, saving you time when developing infrastructure as code.

Other updates

Improvements for TypeScript

GoLand 2023.3 solves some of the inconsistencies encountered when adding import type statements. We’ve added the option to configure the usage of the TypeScript import type statement or type specifier when importing a type. We’ve also improved the behavior for the exports field of package.json for TypeScript files.

HTTP Client improvements

We’ve improved the Structure view for better navigation within large .http files. This update also introduces color-coded labels for request types and provides a clearer listing of their contents. We’ve also added support for declaring variables using @ and authentication with OAuth 2.0 password and client credential grant types.

Cypress and Playwright support

GoLand will automatically detect your Cypress and Playwright tests and let you run and debug them with a single mouse click. The support also includes the ability to explore the results and find issues by navigating the Test Tree.

All-in-one diff viewer

This is a revamped way to review code changes. Now, instead of going through each file one by one, you can see all of the modified files from a changeset in a single, scrollable frame. Learn more.


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