Developer Advocate
Part of tutorial
Creating a Maven projectPart of tutorial
Importing a Maven projectPart of tutorial
The Maven Tool WindowTutorial
Migrating from the `javax` to `jakarta` namespacePart of tutorial
Using IntelliJ IDEA's migration toolTutorial
Working with Apache Tomcat in IntelliJ IDEA.Part of tutorial
New Apache Tomcat ApplicationPart of tutorial
Summary and ShortcutsPart of tutorial
Using Apache Tomcat with an existing applicationTutorial
Presenting with IntelliJ IDEA.Tutorial
Hello World in IntelliJ IDEAPart of tutorial
Creating a Run ConfigurationPart of tutorial
Making a ChangePart of tutorial
Packaging the ApplicationPart of tutorial
Summary and ShortcutsPart of tutorial
Creating a Gradle projectPart of tutorial
Gradle WrapperPart of tutorial
Group ID and version numberPart of tutorial
IntroductionPart of tutorial
Setting an abbreviationPart of tutorial
Source set directoriesPart of tutorial
Opening a Gradle projectPart of tutorial
Running Gradle tasksPart of tutorial
The build.gradle filePart of tutorial
Syncing and reloadingPart of tutorial
Tour of a Gradle projectTutorial
Creating a Project from GitHubAuthor
Anton ArhipovAuthor
Alena GuzharinaAuthor
Denis MashutinAuthor
Maksim SobolevskiyPart of tutorial
Background on TestingPart of tutorial
Debugging During TestingPart of tutorial
Project SetupPart of tutorial
Skipping TestsPart of tutorial
Jump to ErrorPart of tutorial
Getting Into the TDD FlowTip
Find and Fix Problems in Your CodeTip
Find in Path with the Navigation BarTip
Speed search with the Navigation BarTip
Create a new File from the Navigation BarTip
Navigate files with the Navigation BarTip
Open any file from the Navigation BarTip
Activate the Navigation BarTip
Working with Conditional BreakpointsTip
Reformat Your CodeTip
Create and Understand Commit Messages with AI AssistantTip
Auto Install and Import Packages on the FlyTutorial
Visual Testing with pytestYouTube
Do you do enough testing? pytest to the rescue!JetBrains Blog
An Interview with Brian Okken - the pytest storytellerJetBrains Blog
Three pytest features you will loveTip
Use AI Assistant to Generate DocumentationTip
Generate Django Intentions with AI AssistantTip
View Database DefinitionsTip
Configuring the New UI in any JetBrains IDETip
Working with Multiple Databases in a JetBrains IDETip
Working with SQLite Databases in any JetBrains IDETip
Find Actions in Any JetBrains IDETip
How to Search Everywhere in Any JetBrains IDEPart of tutorial
Productive Coding in PyCharmTutorial
Getting Started with PyCharmPart of tutorial
Basic Code AssistancePart of tutorial
Configuring a Local Python InterpreterPart of tutorial
Installing and Managing Python PackagesTip
Cherry Pick a Commit to a Different BranchPart of tutorial
Changing codePart of tutorial
Finding codePart of tutorial
Reading codePart of tutorial
Seeing how far you've comePart of tutorial
Testing codePart of tutorial
Customising your IntelliJ IDEA EnvironmentPart of tutorial
Understanding codePart of tutorial
Writing codePart of tutorial
Working togetherYouTube
Zero to Document Hero - Introduction to MongoDBPart of tutorial
Basic CRUD, HQL Queries, JPA and Criteria APIPart of tutorial
The Problem with Arrow Up & Down and Key MappingsPart of tutorial
Getting Terminal Rows & Columns With The IOCTL APITip
Quickly Explore Database Tables in any JetBrains IDEPart of tutorial
Gradlew and build.gradlePart of tutorial
Modifying Gradle Tasks and Common IssuesPart of tutorial
GitHub & Git KeysPart of tutorial
Getting started with SSHTutorial
Resolving Conflicts During Git MergeTip
Highlighted Commands in the TerminalTip
Inspections WidgetTip
Restore a Deleted BreakpointTip
Built in Spell CheckingPart of tutorial
Maven wrapper and importing projectsTip
Code Completion for the Stream APITip
Different Viewing Modes for Your CodeTip
Navigating a Long ClassPart of tutorial
Introduction to Spring Boot Crash CourseTip
Navigate to the Last Edited LocationTip
Add Your Favourite Photo as a BackgroundTip
Determining the Return Type of ExpressionTip
Edit a Document in IntelliJ IDEA LightEdit ModeTip
Inject a LanguageTip
In Editor Doc RenderingTutorial
Writing Less Code With Live TemplatesPart of tutorial
Sharing your project on GitHub - The multi-step approachPart of tutorial
Summary and ShortcutsPart of tutorial
Sharing your project on GitHub - The quick approachPart of tutorial
Example of Moving Code AroundPart of tutorial
Reformatting code before you commit itPart of tutorial
Reformatting a selection of code or classPart of tutorial
Reformatting Code SettingsPart of tutorial
Example of Reformatting CodePart of tutorial
Working with EditorConfigsPart of tutorial
Reformatting with Alt + EnterTutorial
Using the Terminal in IntelliJ IDEAPart of tutorial
Naming your IntelliJ IDEA terminal tabsPart of tutorial
Opening the IntelliJ IDEA Terminal windowPart of tutorial
Pasting code from the editor into your terminalPart of tutorial
Summary and shortcutsPart of tutorial
Terminal locations from the command windowPart of tutorial
Opening URLs from your terminal windowPart of tutorial
Automatically migrating testsPart of tutorial
Other approaches to considerPart of tutorial
Manual migration for more complex casesPart of tutorial
Overview of JUnit 4 StructurePlaylist
Getting Started with IntelliJ IDEATip
Type Into Any Dialog to SearchTutorial
Your First Spring Boot ApplicationPart of tutorial
Creating your Spring Boot ProjectPart of tutorial
Creating your Spring ControllerPart of tutorial
Summarising Your Spring Boot ProjectPart of tutorial
Testing Your Spring Boot ApplicationPart of tutorial
Walking Through Your Spring Boot ProjectTutorial
Configuring your project structure and IntelliJ IDEA preferences/settingsPart of tutorial
Configuring Project StructurePart of tutorial
Configuring Preferences/Settings in IntelliJ IDEAPart of tutorial
Summary - Configuring IntelliJ IDEAPart of tutorial
Configuring IntelliJ IDEA with Search EverywherePart of tutorial
Sharing IntelliJ IDEA SettingsPart of tutorial
Modules and LessonsPart of tutorial
Overview of the IDE Feature TrainerPart of tutorial
SummaryPart of tutorial
Leaving FeedbackTip
Add Overload BoolTip
Adjust Code StyleTip
Remove Unnecessary ConditionTip
Enable Machine Learning for Code CompletionTip
Meaningless ArgumentsTip
Show Virtual WhitespaceTip
IntelliJ IDEA Welcome ScreenTip
Add Remaining Branches in KotlinTip
Put Kotlin Arguments on Separate LinesPart of tutorial
Multiple AssertionsYouTube
Database Performance Tips with Django