Jan-Niklas Wortmann

Jan-Niklas Wortmann

JavaScript/TypeScript Developer Advocate at JetBrains

As a Developer Advocate for JetBrains, Jan-Niklas Wortmann isn't just another coder—he's a code evangelist. With TypeScript as his weapon of choice, he's on a mission to make your dev life easier, one line at a time. Angular geek? He's got you covered. Obsessed with reactive programming? So is he. Outside of fine-tuning the developer experience at JetBrains, Jan is a Google Developer Expert for Angular and a part of the RxJS Core Team.

State of Angular


State of Angular
Simona Cotin
JavaScript Day 2023


JavaScript Day 2023
JetBrains JavaScript Day 2023 is a free virtual event that took place on November 2, 2023.
Jan-Niklas Wortmann


Jan-Niklas Wortmann
JavaScript/TypeScript Developer Advocate at JetBrains