Khalid Abuhakmeh

Khalid Abuhakmeh

Developer Advocate at JetBrains

dotCover Command Line Tools for Automation Testing Code Coverage

JetBrains Blog

dotCover Command Line Tools for Automation Testing Code Coverage
Learn when and how to install the dotCover command line tools, and add code coverage to your CI/CD workflows.


Develop 2D & 3D games, cross-platform projects, or even XR ideas!
How to Build Pong with Godot and JetBrains Rider


How to Build Pong with Godot and JetBrains Rider
We'll walk you through building a Pong game using Godot Game Engine and JetBrains Rider.
Asset Management

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Asset Management
Learn how to manage assets in Godot.
Adding Scripts To Your Godot Game

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Adding Scripts To Your Godot Game
Learn how to add C# scripts to your Godot games for interactivity and gameplay mechanics.
Game Design

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Game Design
Sketching out our game and its mechanics to prepare for building a Godot game.
Godot Nodes and the Scene Tree

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Godot Nodes and the Scene Tree
Working with Godot Nodes to build out our game's scene.
Source Control Management with Godot

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Source Control Management with Godot
Using Git source control for your Godot project.
Introduction To Game Development

Part of tutorial

Introduction To Game Development
Introduction to game development and why you would consider Godot Game Engine and C# for your game.
Set up a Godot Game Development Environment

Part of tutorial

Set up a Godot Game Development Environment
Setting up your game development environment for Godot Game Engine.
Critical Thinking in an AI Powered World

JetBrains Blog

Critical Thinking in an AI Powered World
We will talk about the AI Assistant, its strengths and weaknesses, examples of edge cases, and strategies to get better results from the JetBrains AI Assistant.
How To Use AI Assistant to Generate Test Data For .NET Applications

JetBrains Blog

How To Use AI Assistant to Generate Test Data For .NET Applications
In this post, we’ll walk you through scenarios to generate test data with the JetBrains AI Assistant for .NET unit tests and how you can leverage generated data to improve the isolation of your tests and ultimately produce a more valuable and less brittle test suite.
Use JetBrains AI Assistant To Help You Understand Changes In Your Code

JetBrains Blog

Use JetBrains AI Assistant To Help You Understand Changes In Your Code
Luckily, code never lies, and with the growing capabilities of LLMs and AI Assistants to parse and summarize input, we can start to focus our understanding of prior work and make plans to extend or modify a codebase.
Why is ReSharper/Rider suggesting this?


Why is ReSharper/Rider suggesting this?
ReSharper and Rider help you learn existing and new features of .NET!
Remote development with JetBrains Rider


Remote development with JetBrains Rider
Experience the power of developing .NET applications remotely!
Godot Community Resources

Part of tutorial

Godot Community Resources
Community resources that will help you on your Godot journey.
HTMX for ASP.NET Core Developers


HTMX for ASP.NET Core Developers
A set of videos explaining what HTMX is, and how ASP.NET Core developers can use it to create rich client-side experiences.
Client-side templating with Mustache and HTMX

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Client-side templating with Mustache and HTMX
Generate HTML on the client, based on JSON
HTMX cascading selects

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HTMX cascading selects
One thing leads to another
HTMX state management

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HTMX state management
Maintaining state across requests
Hello, HTMX!

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Hello, HTMX!
No series is complete without a "Hello, World" sample
Typeahead search with HTMX

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Typeahead search with HTMX
Live updates based on your search query
Infinite scrolling with HTMX

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Infinite scrolling with HTMX
Streaming infinite content to your users

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Giving context to HTMX
Polling to get recent updates

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Polling to get recent updates
Retrieve updated information from the server
ASP.NET Core Razor TagHelpers for HTMX

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ASP.NET Core Razor TagHelpers for HTMX
Simplify integration of HTMX in ASP.NET Core apps
Out-of-band swaps with HTMX

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Out-of-band swaps with HTMX
Swap and replace any HTML element
Server-powered modals with HTMX

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Server-powered modals with HTMX
Create modal dialogs on the server
Real-world shopping cart and conclusion

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Real-world shopping cart and conclusion
See all HTMX techniques come together
Server-sent events for realtime updates

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Server-sent events for realtime updates
Send messages to clients in realtime
Server-side validation, client-side feel

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Server-side validation, client-side feel
Validate models on the server, display results on the client
Tabs, tabs, and more tabs with HTMX

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Tabs, tabs, and more tabs with HTMX
Asynchronous rendering of tabs on the server
What is HTMX?

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What is HTMX?
Understanding the spirit of the HTMX library
Shortcut keys for web applications

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Shortcut keys for web applications
Add keyboard shortcuts to make your web an app
Automatic Inspections


Automatic Inspections
Detect common memory issues - automatically.
Debugging For ReSharper Users

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Debugging For ReSharper Users
Learn the basics of the Rider debugger from a Visual Studio + ReSharper user's perspective.
Getting Started

Part of tutorial

Getting Started
Learn to create and run your first solution in Rider
Continuous Testing


Continuous Testing
Run your tests in the background, while you code.
Hot Spots


Hot Spots
Find areas of your code base that may need better test coverage.
Object Retention


Object Retention
Inspect retention paths for an instance or a group of objects.
Profile an HTTP request


Profile an HTTP request
What happens when an HTTP request is made?
Preview Source Code


Preview Source Code
Introduce variables the way you like!
Docker Compose and Multiple Containers

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Docker Compose and Multiple Containers
Learn to use multiple containers to run a complete ASP.NET Solution.
Common Docker Terminology

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Common Docker Terminology
Common terms and phrases .NET developers will encounter when working with Docker.
ASP.NET Core Development with Docker

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ASP.NET Core Development with Docker
Learn how Docker can work with your current ASP.NET Core development process.
JetBrains Rider's Docker Integrations

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JetBrains Rider's Docker Integrations
Learn about Rider's convenient Docker features that make working with containers feel like an ocean breeze.
Local .NET Development With Docker

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Local .NET Development With Docker
Learn how to work with Docker and JetBrains Rider in our development environment.
Why Should .NET Developers Care About Docker?

Part of tutorial

Why Should .NET Developers Care About Docker?
We'll see why containerization is an important topic for .NET Developers.
Docker For .NET Developers


Docker For .NET Developers
A jump-start guide for .NET developers interested in Docker and containerization.
Moving from Visual Studio to JetBrains Rider


Moving from Visual Studio to JetBrains Rider
A jumpstart guide for Visual Studio + ReSharper users wanting to try Rider.

Part of tutorial

Learn the basics of the Rider plugin marketplace from a Visual Studio + ReSharper user's perspective.
NuGet Package Management

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NuGet Package Management
Learn the basics of the Rider's NuGet Tool Window from a Visual Studio + ReSharper user's perspective.
Unit Testing For ReSharper Users

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Unit Testing For ReSharper Users
Learn the basics of the unit testing in Rider from a Visual Studio + ReSharper user's perspective.
Working With Databases

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Working With Databases
Effectively working with databases in Rider from a Visual Studio + ReSharper user's perspective.
Working With IIS and IIS Express

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Working With IIS and IIS Express
Effectively working with ASP.NET Core and IIS in Rider from a Visual Studio + ReSharper user's perspective.
Debugging Applications with ReSharper

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Debugging Applications with ReSharper
What is your code doing? Identify problematic code, and run code step-by-step with the debugger.
Writing and Running Unit Tests with ReSharper

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Writing and Running Unit Tests with ReSharper
Run, debug and profile tests, do continuous testing, and inspect code coverage.
Comparing Rider's Toolbar with Visual Studio

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Comparing Rider's Toolbar with Visual Studio
Learn how Rider's toolbar UI compares with the toolbar found in Visual Studio.
.NET Localization


.NET Localization
Localization and the art of reaching more users
Localization Basics

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Localization Basics
Working with Cultures, Resources, & Apps
Localizing ASP.NET Applications

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Localizing ASP.NET Applications
Working with Cultures, Resources, & ASP.NET
Debugging code with Rider

Part of tutorial

Debugging code with Rider
Examine the runtime behavior of your application, identify problematic code, run through code step by step.
Open Recent Projects


Open Recent Projects
Quick ways to navigate to other solutions
IDE & Project Backgrounds


IDE & Project Backgrounds
Personally style your IDE and Projects with custom background images
Manage Projects


Manage Projects
Keep your projects organized for an efficient experience
The Basics Series


The Basics Series
A set of short basic walkthroughs of different .NET technologies
Basics of ADO.NET

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Basics of ADO.NET
Working with databases using DbConnection, DbCommand, and DbDataReader
Basics of ASP.NET MVC

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Basics of ASP.NET MVC
A complete MVC pipeline with routes, models, views, and controllers.
Basics of Dapper

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Basics of Dapper
Working with databases using Open Source
Basics of Razor Pages

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Basics of Razor Pages
A complete Razor Pages pipeline.
Basics of Entity Framework Core

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Basics of Entity Framework Core
Working with databases using an object relational mapper
Getting Started With ASP.NET


Getting Started With ASP.NET
A set of short videos to understand the basic landscape of an ASP.NET Application.
Start A New ASP.NET Web Application

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Start A New ASP.NET Web Application
Starting an ASP.NET Project in under a few minutes
Dependency Injection and ConfigureServices

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Dependency Injection and ConfigureServices
Registering ASP.NET services and instances
ASP.NET Routing

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ASP.NET Routing
Defining endpoints and URI path handlers
Startup Class Walkthrough

Part of tutorial

Startup Class Walkthrough
The beginning of all ASP.NET applications
Request Pipeline

Part of tutorial

Request Pipeline
Configuring our HTTP handlers in Startup
Khalid Abuhakmeh


Khalid Abuhakmeh
Developer Advocate at JetBrains