Maksim Sobolevskiy

Maksim Sobolevskiy

Maksim Sobolevskiy was an SQL developer for 10 years. From Summer, 2015 he does marketing for JetBrains SQL IDE called DataGrip, and from 2020 he is the team lead of DataGrip.

Working with SQL and databases in WebStorm


Working with SQL and databases in WebStorm
The basics of writing SQL queries and working with data using the Database Tools and SQL plugin for WebStorm.
Working with SQL and databases in Rider


Working with SQL and databases in Rider
In this webinar, we'll show the basics of writing SQL queries and working with data in Rider. All described is also relevant to the dedicated database IDE called DataGrip and all other IntelliJ-based IDEs.
Webinar Summary - Working with SQL and Databases in IntelliJ IDEA

JetBrains Blog

Webinar Summary - Working with SQL and Databases in IntelliJ IDEA
Watch ‘Working with SQL and Databases in IntelliJ IDEA’ by Maksim Sobolevskiy, Product Marketing Manager for Database Tools at JetBrains.