Sergey Kozlovskiy

Sergey Kozlovskiy

Product Marketing Manager at JetBrains

Sergey is a Product Marketing Manager for GoLand at JetBrains.

Authentication for Go Applications: The Secure Way

Part of tutorial

Authentication for Go Applications: The Secure Way
This article compares the pros and cons of five different authentication methods: Basic HTTP, bearer token, JWT, OIDC, and SAML.
Authentication for Go Applications: The Secure Way


Authentication for Go Applications: The Secure Way
Comparing the pros and cons of five different authentication methods: Basic HTTP, bearer token, JWT, OIDC, and SAML.
Go REST Guide. Gin Framework

Part of tutorial

Go REST Guide. Gin Framework
The third part of this series looks at how to build a REST API using a web. framework called Gin.
Go REST Guide. gorilla/mux Router

Part of tutorial

Go REST Guide. gorilla/mux Router
The second part of this series demonstrates how to use a router for improved. handling of requests when building REST APIs.
Go REST Guide. The Standard Library

Part of tutorial

Go REST Guide. The Standard Library
The first part of this series focuses on using the standard library, a simple and native way to create HTTP servers.
Go REST Guide


Go REST Guide
This is a three-part series dedicated to three different methods of building a Go REST API.
Sergey Kozlovskiy


Sergey Kozlovskiy
Product Marketing Manager at JetBrains