Django-in-PyCharm Tips, Reloaded

Two and a half years ago we did a “Django tips in PyCharm” webinar; this refresher swaps out some tips, but also shows lots of new goodness in the IDE.

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  • Join us for a wide-ranging tour through PyCharm’s recent machinery, in the context of leveling up your Django-in-PyCharm chops.
  • Hosted by Paul Everitt, Developer Advocate at JetBrains, with guests Michael Kennedy and Nafiul Islam.
  • Discussed Django tips, PyCharm features, and Michael's Django course.
  • Lots of Q&A and demoes.

Main Topics Covered

  • Introduction to Django and PyCharm.
  • Highlighted Django's continued relevance and maturity in the Python web framework ecosystem.
  • Mention of new Django features like async and await support.

Setting Up PyCharm for Django Development

  • Demonstrated adding project interpreters and managing dependencies.
  • Using plugins like Black for code formatting.
  • Configuration of PyCharm for optimal Django support, including testing tools.

New UI of PyCharm

  • Transition to the new PyCharm UI and how it improves the user experience.

Usage Tips in PyCharm

  • Jumping to recent files and symbols using shortcuts.
  • Refactoring and navigating using PyCharm’s intelligent features.
  • Integration with IPython for enhanced console experiences.
  • Managing imports automatically.

Code with Me

  • Real-time collaboration using JetBrains' Code with Me feature.
  • Live demonstration of collaborative editing and debugging.

Enhanced Template Support

  • Using PyCharm’s smart code navigation in Django templates.
  • Autocompletion and refactoring in templates.

Other Notable Features

  • Integration with web tools (CSS, JavaScript).
  • HTTP client within PyCharm to test API endpoints.
  • Database tools for editing and managing databases.
  • Integrated test runner and debugger for thorough testing.

Related Resources

How do I do Django APIs in PyCharm
How do I do Django APIs in PyCharm
I recently attended DjangoConf 2024 which kicked off this year’s DSF-PyCharm fundraiser. I attended Felipe’s DRF tutorial where he showed off using PyCharm and even a little bit about endpoints.
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