Creating a new Django Project in PyCharm

Create a virtual environment and install Python dependencies.

Hello everyone, welcome to the Django tutorial series. In this tutorial step, we are going to set up Django and run our first PyCharm Project.

Installing Dependencies

As you can see in the following image, we will be installing Python dependencies, which is required for our Django project.


We will move forward installing the virtual environment after the system dependencies have been successfully installed.


I am going to name the virtual environment as DjangoEnv and -p flag stands for path to the Python interpreter, as for now I will be using the default Python interpreter, so I will mention it as python3. Ubuntu 20.04 LTS comes pre-installed with Python 3.8.

I will open PyCharm and create my new project I am going to name it SampleDemo.


Since I have already configured the environment, I will click on the previously configured interpreter where I will be providing the path to the virtual environment which I created earlier. PyCharm provides multiple ways to set up the Python interpreter.

Everything looks good, I will click Create.

After the project has been successfully initialized, I then move forward and change the appearance of the IDE.


I will click on File | Settings. Under Appearance & Behavior I will change the theme from Darcula to IntelliJ Light.


We are now ready to start our development server. I will click Run | Run ‘SampleDemo’


The application is now running on on port 8000.


As you can see in the image below, the Django landing page has appeared, that means our installation process is successful.


In the upcoming tutorial step, I will show to connect Django to our Postgres RDS instance.