A learning journey into .NET
and tools like ReSharper, Rider and more.


Learn ASP.NET Core

Tutorials that help you build amazing web experiences with .NET.

Getting Started With ASP.NET
Getting Started With ASP.NET
A set of short videos to understand the basic landscape of an ASP.NET. Application.
The Basics Series
The Basics Series
A set of short basic walkthroughs of different .NET technologies.
.NET Localization
.NET Localization
Localization and the art of reaching more users.
Web Fundamentals in Rider
Web Fundamentals in Rider
Learn how Rider helps you with web applications to build full-stack apps with ease.

Learn about refactoring

Generate documentation with AI
Generate documentation with AI
AI can help you make XML documentation both automatic and useful.
File-scoped namespaces and types
File-scoped namespaces and types
Organize code better and reduce bugs by using file-scoped namespaces and objects.
C# Top-level statements
C# Top-level statements
Use top-level statements in C# to reduce boilerplate code.
Global usings
Global usings
Organize `using` statements so they're out of your way.

Make your .NET apps faster!

Profiling in Rider


Profiling in Rider
Explore performance and memory profiling options in Rider, and optimize an existing application.
Automatic Inspections


Automatic Inspections
Detect common memory issues - automatically.
Preview Source Code


Preview Source Code
Introduce variables the way you like!
Object Retention


Object Retention
Inspect retention paths for an instance or a group of objects.

Latest tutorials

.NET Collections and Data Structures
.NET Collections and Data Structures
Learn how to apply the right collection for the task at hand.
Solution-Wide Analysis
Solution-Wide Analysis
Find and resolve code issues in your projects.
Blazor Essentials
Blazor Essentials
Learn how to build a basic application with Blazor.
HTMX for ASP.NET Core Developers
HTMX for ASP.NET Core Developers
A set of videos explaining what HTMX is, and how ASP.NET Core developers can use it to create rich client-side experiences.

Latest tips

Convert JSON to classes or records
Convert JSON to classes or records
Turn any JSON data you have into a class or record
Generate terminal commands using AI Assistant
Generate terminal commands using AI Assistant
Ask AI Assistant to write PowerShell or shell commands.
Params collection in C#
Params collection in C#
Use the params collection in C# so methods can accept a dynamic number of parameters.

Event recordings

JetBrains .NET Days Online 2024
JetBrains .NET Days Online 2024
Session recordings of JetBrains .NET Days Online 2024.
JetBrains .NET Day Online 2023
JetBrains .NET Day Online 2023
Session recordings of JetBrains .NET Day Online 2023.
JetBrains .NET Days Online 2022
JetBrains .NET Days Online 2022
Session recordings of JetBrains .NET Days Online 2022.
JetBrains .NET Days Online 2021
JetBrains .NET Days Online 2021
Session recordings of JetBrains .NET Days Online 2021.