
Visual, standalone, bite-sized learning resources organized into different categories.

Remote development with JetBrains Rider
Remote development with JetBrains Rider
Experience the power of developing .NET applications remotely!
C# 11 - Required Keyword
C# 11 - Required Keyword
Introducing the required keyword for fields and properties.
C# 11 - Raw strings
C# 11 - Raw strings
There is no escape!
Full-stack web development in Rider
Full-stack web development in Rider
Develop ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core applications in one place!
Automatic Inspections
Automatic Inspections
Detect common memory issues - automatically.
Preview Source Code
Preview Source Code
Introduce variables the way you like!
Profile an HTTP request
Profile an HTTP request
What happens when an HTTP request is made?
Object Retention
Object Retention
Inspect retention paths for an instance or a group of objects.
Hot Spots
Hot Spots
Find areas of your code base that may need better test coverage.
Continuous Testing
Continuous Testing
Run your tests in the background, while you code.
Open Recent Projects
Open Recent Projects
Quick ways to navigate to other solutions.
IDE & Project Backgrounds
IDE & Project Backgrounds
Personally style your IDE and Projects with custom background images.