Godot Playfab - A Godot Extension To Easily Integrate PlayFab, a Cloud-Based BaaS

Johannes Ebner

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Today, all games – whether single or multiplayer – need a backend.

But game devs want to build games, not backends (well, with some very rare exceptions).

Enter PlayFab, a free backend-as-a-service solution (up to 100k users). But how do you interact with it in your favorite game engine, Godot, with your favorite scripting language, GDScript?

In this session, we’ll show you how to leverage godot-playfab, the Godot/GSDScript SDK Johannes maintains, so you can make the most of it in your Godot game!

About the Presenter

Johannes Ebner

Johannes is a Gaming Solution architect who helps game developers and publishers of all sizes to build multiplayer games and online services for games. He has 20 years of experience in the IT industry, including 15 in the games industry. Many of these he actively spent building games himself and leading game dev teams.

He has been involved in a wide range of projects, from small web applications to large-scale cloud services and Massively Multiplayer Online games, and has consulted many publishers and game studios, from indie to AAA, on how to build online services and multiplayer infrastructures.

He’s also the maintainer of godot-playfab, the integration of Azure PlayFab for the Godot Engine, and an active Godot community member, having spoken at various conferences such as the Sharkmob DevDays (invitational), Nordic Game, and Microsoft’s GDC event.

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