
Visual, standalone, bite-sized learning resources organized into different categories.

Disable Tabs
Disable Tabs
Save space and stay keyboard-centric by turning off the tabs.
Navigate Cursor Position Back and Forth
Navigate Cursor Position Back and Forth
Navigate back to where you were, or where you went quickly and easily.
Auto-Run Tests
Auto-Run Tests
Get into testing mode by telling GoLand to automatically re-run tests as you type.
Add Line After/Before
Add Line After/Before
Smart-add a line either from the middle of a line, after or before the current line.
Adding Fields to a Struct
Adding Fields to a Struct
Let your IDE add constructor arguments to your instance.
Complete Current Statement
Complete Current Statement
Add trailing commas or braces and move the cursor to the right place with a single keystroke.
Type Hierarchy
Type Hierarchy
Discover what types implement an interface or what interfaces are implemented by a type.
Switch to the Editor
Switch to the Editor
Get the focus back to the editor regardless what is currently focused.
Structure Tags
Structure Tags
Quickly add tags to any fields from structures.
File Structure Popup
File Structure Popup
View the file or whole package structure and navigate to any element.
Speed Typing
Speed Typing
Quickly navigate to or filter any list of items in the IDE
Show /usages
Show /usages
Quickly discover the usages of the element your cursor is at