
Visual, standalone, bite-sized learning resources organized into different categories.

Load go.mod Changes Manually
Load go.mod Changes Manually
Take control of when go.mod files are refreshed.
Configure Custom Namespaces Manually
Configure Custom Namespaces Manually
Use all the features you need even if the plugin cannot process the namespaces automatically
Convert Slice to Array Pointer
Convert Slice to Array Pointer
With Go 1.17, it is possible to covert a slice to an array pointer.
Restart a Running Container
Restart a Running Container
Start with a container from zero, faster.
Quick Documentation for Keys in Dockerfiles and docker-compose.yaml Files
Quick Documentation for Keys in Dockerfiles and docker-compose.yaml Files
Learn about what the keys mean, find out how to use them, or what values they accept
Pause and Unpause Containers
Pause and Unpause Containers
Test what happens to microservices when they try to talk with an unavailable service.
Inspect device_cgroup_rules Values for Errors
Inspect device_cgroup_rules Values for Errors
Check if the device_cgroup_rules values contain any errors.
Cleanup Unused IDE Directories
Cleanup Unused IDE Directories
If you stopped using an older version of the IDE, it's the right time to do some cleanup.
Multiple Projects in one IDE Window
Multiple Projects in one IDE Window
Work with multiple projects at once from the same IDE window.
Declare a Targeted Go Version in go.mod
Declare a Targeted Go Version in go.mod
The IDE is aware of targeted Go versions so you can make the most of them