Building the Backend

Configuring a New Project in GoLand.

Creating a new project

In this section we will focus on writing our backend. Let's start first by opening GoLand.

I will provide the project name as goapp_genai. You are free to choose any other name you want and then click Create.


Create main.go in your project root.


Installing Packages

We need to install two packages which we are going to use throughout this project.

  • Implementing WebSockets, for that I will be using the Gorilla Websocket library.
  • AWS Bedrock SDK for Go

Place the import statements at the top of the file, and you can see the text color has changed to red, that means this package doesn't exist in the system and GoLand prompts you to install it.

import (



You can even control whether the packages should be installed automatically or you have to do it manually.

Go to GoLand — Settings



Business Logic

Loading Configuration

We will first begin by writing the config function.

Create the config.go file under the project root.

The loadConfig function is used to load the AWS configuration.

NOTE: The region is hard-coded to ap-south-1. You're free to choose the region which is suitable for your business requirement. I recommend using it as an environment variable.



package main

import (

func loadConfig() aws.Config {
	region := "ap-south-1"
	configuration, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.Background(), config.WithRegion(region))
	if err != nil {
	return configuration

Model Wrapper

Create a directory called models and followed by a new file named types.go where we are going to define a new struct called ModelWrapper.


ModelWrapper serves as a container for a BedrockRuntimeClient instance, which allows the client to be passed around and used in different parts of the code while keeping the code organized and clean.

package models

import (

type ModelWrapper struct {
	BedrockRuntimeClient *bedrockruntime.Client

Next, open main.go and add create the following struct.


type MLWrapper struct {
	wrapper models.ModelWrapper

func main() {

	cfg := loadConfig()
	brc := bedrockruntime.NewFromConfig(cfg)
	modelWrapper := models.ModelWrapper{BedrockRuntimeClient: brc}
	wrapper := MLWrapper{modelWrapper}


The modelWrapper is an instance of the ModelWrapper struct. Also, it is initializing its BedrockRuntimeClient field with the brc object, which is an instance of a bedrock runtime client.

wrapper is an instance of MLWrapper that encapsulates the modelWrapper instance.

	modelWrapper := models.ModelWrapper{BedrockRuntimeClient: brc}
	wrapper := MLWrapper{modelWrapper}

In the next section, we will focus on interacting with the ML models.