Interacting with ML Models — Llama3

Interacting with Llama3 in AWS Bedrock.

In the upcoming section we will be only implementing two models. You are free to experiment with other models.

  • Llama3
  • Anthropic

There are a lot of models supported MistralAI, StabilityAI, etc. If you are interested in knowing more about the supported models, please check the following link.

The implementation will be divided into two parts.

  • Streaming — In this scenario, the SDK transmits the model response in segments, and we will directly stream this segmented data via WebSocket.
  • Non-Streaming — In this scenario, the model sends the complete response, causing a short delay before we receive and subsequently push the information through WebSocket.


For this tutorial, we will be using Llama 3 70B Instruct.


This is what Meta has to say about LLama3.

With Llama 3, we set out to build the best open models that are on par with the best proprietary models available today. We wanted to address developer feedback to increase the overall helpfulness of Llama 3 and are doing so while continuing to play a leading role on responsible use and deployment of LLMs. We are embracing the open source ethos of releasing early and often to enable the community to get access to these models while they are still in development. The text-based models we are releasing today are the first in the Llama 3 collection of models. Our goal in the near future is to make Llama 3 multilingual and multimodal, have longer context, and continue to improve overall performance across core LLM capabilities such as reasoning and coding.


Let's first begin by implementing the non-streaming way to interact with Llama3.

First thing is to create a file under models and name it llama.go.


type Llama3Request struct {
	Prompt       string  `json:"prompt"`
	MaxGenLength int     `json:"max_gen_len,omitempty"`
	Temperature  float64 `json:"temperature,omitempty"`

type Llama3Response struct {
	Generation string `json:"generation"`

func (r Llama3Response) SetContent(content string) {
	r.Generation = content

func (r Llama3Response) GetContent() string {
	return r.Generation

In this code we are defining two struct types, Llama3Request and Llama3Response, alongside two methods SetContent and GetContent on the Llama3Response struct type.

The Llama3Request holds three parameters.

  • Prompt — The prompt which you pass to the model.
  • MaxGenLength — Maximum number of tokens used in the response. Default is 512 and maximum allowed 2048.
  • Temperature — Used for randomness. Default to 0.5 and maximum allowed 1.

Read more: Supported Inference Parameters for Meta Llama models

Now, I will move to types.go and define an LLM interface with Invoke() and Stream() methods which are generic to anthropic and llama.


LLMPrompt is a structure that contains a ModelWrapper and a prompt.

The ModelWrapper type is used to handle the interaction with a service named "bedrock" which wraps around the BedrockRuntimeClient.

The prompt represents the input string which we receive from the user.

Both Llama and Anthropic structures are embedding (a form of inheritance in Go) the LLMPrompt structure.

type LLM interface {
	Invoke() (string, error)
	Stream() (*bedrockruntime.InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput, error)

type LLMPrompt struct {
	bedrock ModelWrapper
	prompt  string

type Llama struct {

type Anthropic struct {

Now move to llama.go and create LlamaBody method which is part of Llama struct.


Inside the LlamaBody method, an instance of the Llama3Request struct is created and populated with the prompt string, along with specified values for MaxGenLength and Temperature. This Llama3Request instance is then converted to a JSON-formatted byte array with the json.Marshal function.

func (wrapper Llama) LlamaBody(prompt string) []byte {
	body, err := json.Marshal(Llama3Request{
		Prompt:       prompt,
		MaxGenLength: 200,
		Temperature:  0.5,

	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("failed to marshal", err)
	return body

Next, I will be creating some basic utility functions and constants that will be generic across the application.

Create a file named common.go under models.


package models

const (
	llama3          = "llama3"
	anthropic       = "anthropic"
	Llama3modelId   = "meta.llama3-70b-instruct-v1:0"
	claudeV3ModelID = "anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0"

Similarly, we will also do the same for error.go.


package models

import (

func ProcessError(err error, modelId string) {
	errMsg := err.Error()
	if strings.Contains(errMsg, "no such host") {
		log.Printf(`The Bedrock service is not available in the selected region.
                    Please double-check the service availability for your region at
	} else if strings.Contains(errMsg, "Could not resolve the foundation model") {
		log.Printf(`Could not resolve the foundation model from model identifier: \"%v\".
                    Please verify that the requested model exists and is accessible
                    within the specified region.\n
                    `, modelId)
	} else {
		log.Printf("Couldn't invoke model: \"%v\". Here's why: %v\n", modelId, err)

Resume back to llama.go where we will be defining our last function Invoke which satisfied the LLM interface.


The function begins by invoking a model (perhaps a machine learning model) on the bedrock runtime service.

  • In running InvokeModel, it passes in a TODO context, representing a non-nil, empty Context.
  • ModelId which represents the meta.llama3-70b-instruct-v1:0
  • ContentType of"application/json"
  • The result of calling theLlamaBody()function withwrapper.prompt as its argument.
func (wrapper Llama) Invoke() (string, error) {
	output, err := wrapper.bedrock.BedrockRuntimeClient.InvokeModel(context.TODO(), &bedrockruntime.InvokeModelInput{
		ModelId:     aws.String(Llama3modelId),
		ContentType: aws.String("application/json"),
		Body:        wrapper.LlamaBody(wrapper.prompt),

	if err != nil {
		ProcessError(err, Llama3modelId)

	var response Llama3Response
	if err := json.Unmarshal(output.Body, &response); err != nil {
		log.Fatal("failed to unmarshal", err)

	return response.Generation, nil

Adding WebSockets

We are done with the base implementation. Now, let's move forward and tie the logic by integrating websocket.

Go to main.go and add the following lines.

var websocketUpgrade = websocket.Upgrader{
	ReadBufferSize:  1024,
	WriteBufferSize: 1024,
	CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool {
		return true // not recommended in production

Before going ahead, you need to be sure Gorilla Websocket is installed in your machine.

This code snippet is creating a websocket.Upgrader struct, which is an HTTP handler setup to upgrade HTTP connections to the WebSocket protocol. The WebSocket protocol allows two-way communication between a client (usually a web browser) and a server over a persistent connection.

  • ReadBufferSize: 1024, WriteBufferSize: 1024 - These two options set the buffer sizes for reading and writing respectively. These sizes are in bytes and determine how much data can be read/written to the WebSocket in a single operation.

  • CheckOrigin: The function is a check to protect against malicious behavior. An origin policy is applied here which checks the 'Origin' HTTP Header in the WebSocket upgrade request to verify that it has come from a trusted source. This specific function always returns true, meaning every request is considered trusted. As it is noted in the comment, this is not recommended in production because it carries the risk that an attacker could sneak in unwanted WebSocket connections from anywhere.

In a production environment, this CheckOrigin function would need to be replaced with something that more thoroughly verifies the origin of the request, perhaps by checking the domain name against a list of trusted sources.


Moving ahead, we are going to define our HTTP handler. Make sure to import all necessary modules (log, log/slog and net/http).

http.HandleFunc("/ws/model", wrapper.executeModel)

slog.Info("Server Listening on", "port", "8080")

log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))

http.HandleFunc("/ws/model", wrapper.executeModel) - This line tells the http package to add a function to call when the "/ws/model" URL is requested. The executeModel function is used as the handler.


Now, let's implement the executeModel function, but before that I am going to create a generic function which will load the model dynamically based on the request.

Under models, create a new file called load.go.


The function LoadModel takes in a model's name and a prompt as arguments and returns either an error message, if model execution encounters error, or a response from the model.

The LoadModel method uses a switch statement to perform different operations based on the provided modelName.

  • It checks if the modelName is "llama3". If so, it creates a Llama struct and invokes it. Here the Llama and LLMPrompt structs seem part of an implementation to interact with a language model named "llama3". If an error occurs during the invoking process, it returns an empty string and the error. Otherwise, it returns the response from the Llama Invoke function.
  • If the modelName is "anthropic", as of now it doesn't do anything. But we will implement this feature later.
func (wrapper ModelWrapper) LoadModel(modelName string, prompt string) (string, error) {
	switch modelName {
	case llama3:
		llama := Llama{LLMPrompt{wrapper, prompt}}
		response, err := llama.Invoke()
		if err != nil {
			return "", err
		return response, nil
	case anthropic:
		return "", errors.New("No such model: " + modelName)
	return "", errors.New("No such model: " + modelName)

Next, we will create a new file under the project root and name it controller.go and utils.go.

Switch to controller.go, where we will first start implementing the executeModel handler function.


The function executeModel is a method of a struct MLWrapper.

Let's break it down.

  • It first retrieves two query parameters from the HTTP request: model and streaming. Model is a string representing the name of the model the client wishes to interact with. Streaming is a string that indicates whether the client wants a continuous stream of results or return a normal result, as it is converted to a boolean using StringToBool function.
package main

import (

func (m MLWrapper) executeModel(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	modelName := r.URL.Query().Get("model")
	streaming := StringToBool(r.URL.Query().Get("streaming"))

	conn, err := websocketUpgrade.Upgrade(w, r, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Failed to set websocket upgrade:", err)
	defer conn.Close()

	for {
		msgType, msg, err := conn.ReadMessage()
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error reading message:", err)
		if streaming {

		} else {
			modelResponse, err := m.wrapper.LoadModel(modelName, string(msg))
			err = conn.WriteMessage(msgType, []byte(modelResponse))
			if err != nil {
				log.Println("Error writing to websocket:", err)



  • The StringToBool function is a simple utility function that converts a string to a boolean value based on its content.


package main

import "strings"

func StringToBool(s string) bool {
	switch strings.ToLower(s) {
	case "true", "yes", "1":
		return true
	case "false", "no", "0":
		return false
		// Handle unrecognized input; this example treats it as false
		return false

  • Moving ahead, it then tries to upgrade the incoming HTTP request into a Websocket connection with websocketUpgrade.Upgrade() function. If the upgrade fails, it logs the error and exits the function.


  • Once the connection is upgraded, it enters into an infinite loop to continuously read messages from the connection.
    • If an error occurs while reading the message, the error is logged and the function returns.
    • If no read error occurs, the function then checks if streaming mode is enabled (streaming is true). As of now, we haven't implemented the streaming feature. But we will work on that very soon.
    • If streaming mode is not enabled, it treats the received message as a prompt and invokes m.wrapper.LoadModel(modelName, string(msg)) to load the AI model and generate a response based on the prompt. The response is then sent back to the client through the Websocket connection. If any error occurs during writing the message, it logs the error and returns.


If you're following along make sure to update the variable from _ to wrapper and click the play icon to run the application.

To run it manually, type in the Terminal go run main.go


Cool! The app is running now. Let's test it out.


I am going to create a new HTTP Client.

Right-click goapp_genai, point to New, and then click HTTP Request.


If you are new to the HTTP Client. Don't worry, we have got you covered through examples.


Add the following line to initiate WebSocket connection.

WEBSOCKET ws://<REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_OWN_URL>/ws/model?model=llama3&streaming=0
  • If you have observed carefully, we are passing model as llama3 and streaming set to 0 which sends the entire response.


Enter your message in the box provided and then run the following shortcut ⌘⏎ (macOS) / Ctrl+Enter (Windows/Linux).

Wait for a few seconds until we get a response from the model.


Here you go! You can see below we got the response.



We have successfully completed the non-streaming part. Now, it's time that I show how to implement streaming mode, which improves the performance of response delivery.

Let's move to llama.go and implement the stream method from the LLM interface.


The method Stream on Llama struct type is intended to start a stream of responses from the AI model by invoking InvokeModelWithResponseStream method.

When calling InvokeModelWithResponseStream, it passes a context.TODO() as the first parameter indicating the context isn't determined yet, followed by an instantiation of InvokeModelWithResponseStreamInput. This input struct contains the model ID (as denoted by the constant Llama3modelID with value "meta.llama3-70b-instruct-v1:0"), a string indicating the content type "application/json", and the marshalled body. The body is generated by the previously defined wrapper.LlamaBody method on the provided prompt.

This method returns an InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput and an error. If there's an error during the invocation process, it handoffs the error handling to the ProcessError function with a specific modelId. Otherwise, it returns the output.

func (wrapper Llama) Stream() (*bedrockruntime.InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput, error) {

	output, err := wrapper.bedrock.BedrockRuntimeClient.InvokeModelWithResponseStream(context.TODO(), &bedrockruntime.InvokeModelWithResponseStreamInput{
		ModelId:     aws.String(Llama3modelId),
		ContentType: aws.String("application/json"),
		Body:        wrapper.LlamaBody(wrapper.prompt),

	if err != nil {
		ProcessError(err, Llama3modelId)
	return output, nil

If you have noticed, once you have implemented the methods defined in the interface. GoLand helps you navigate towards the implementation/method specifications.



Next, I will create a new function LoadStreamingModel in load.go file, which will explicitly take care of streaming based on model type.

As of now the code handles specific model llama3. But in the next section we will be dealing with anthropic.


func (wrapper ModelWrapper) LoadStreamingModel(modelName string, prompt string) (*bedrockruntime.InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput, error) {
	switch modelName {
	case llama3:
		llama := Llama{LLMPrompt{wrapper, prompt}}
		response, err := llama.Stream()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return response, nil
	case anthropic:
		return nil, errors.New("No such model: " + modelName)
	return nil, errors.New("No such model: " + modelName)

Now, let's define types definitions in types.go

type StreamingOutputHandler func(ctx context.Context, part []byte) error

type ProcessingFunction func(output *bedrockruntime.InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput, handler StreamingOutputHandler) (any, error)


Let me walk you through each step.

type StreamingOutputHandler func(ctx context.Context, part []byte) error

This is defining a function type, named StreamingOutputHandler. A function that matches this type should take in a context.Context and a byte slice, and it should return an error. This represents a function that can handle streaming output.

type ProcessingFunction func(output *bedrockruntime.InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput, handler StreamingOutputHandler) (any, error)

This type is also defining a function type. Function which matches with this type should take in a pointer to a bedrockruntime.InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput and a StreamingOutputHandler, and it should return any type and an error. This represents a function that processes data using some handler.

Let's go to llama.go to define the processing function, which will give you a better idea about the types which we just discussed.


The function accepts two parameters:

  • output: The stream of output to process, which is of the type bedrockruntime.InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput. This is the response that you get from the Stream() method.
  • handler: A callable object, in this case of type StreamingOutputHandler, which is a user-defined function type. This callable object is applied to process the streamed data contained in the output.
func ProcessLlamaStreamingOutput(output *bedrockruntime.InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput, handler StreamingOutputHandler) error {

	resp := Llama3Response{}

	for event := range output.GetStream().Events() {
		switch v := event.(type) {
		case *types.ResponseStreamMemberChunk:
			err := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(v.Value.Bytes)).Decode(&resp)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			err = handler(context.Background(), []byte(resp.Generation))

			if err != nil {
				return err

		case *types.UnknownUnionMember:
			return fmt.Errorf("unknown tag: %s", v.Tag)

			return fmt.Errorf("union is nil or unknown type")
	return nil

Then the function defines resp as an object of the Llama3Response type. The function uses a for loop to iterate over the event stream coming from the output object. Inside the loop, it uses a type switch to handle different cases depending on the type of the event:

  • When event is of the type ResponseStreamMemberChunk, the corresponding bytes are read and decoded into resp object using the json.Decode method. If the decoding results return an error, the function immediately returns the respective error. Once the values are successfully decoded, the handler is called with a new context and the byte representation of resp.Generation as parameters. If the handler also returns an error, the function returns this error.
  • If the event is an unknown union member, or any other unknown type, corresponding error messages are returned.

The function keeps reading from the streaming output until it's done. After processing all events, if there are no errors, the function returns nil.

Now, we move forward to create a generic function CallStreamingOutputFunction in common.go which determines the behavior based on the provided model input.

This function is part of a larger system that involves invoking models and processing their responses in a streaming fashion over a WebSocket connection.


It takes three parameters, let's break it down.

  • llm — A string that stands for the name of the model to be called (llama3 or anthropic).
  • output — An output from invoking a model with a response stream.
  • handler — This is a function that takes a context and a byte slice and returns an error. This function is used to process the streaming output.

If llm equals llama3, the function ProcessLlamaStreamingOutput is called with output and handler as its arguments.

func CallStreamingOutputFunction(llm string, output *bedrockruntime.InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput, handler StreamingOutputHandler) error {
	switch llm {
	case llama3:
		err := ProcessLlamaStreamingOutput(output, handler)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	case anthropic:
		return fmt.Errorf("unknown llm value: %s", llm)
	return nil

Let's now move to the final part controller.go to connect websocket with our streaming function.


Let's complete the logic.


  • aiResponse, err := m.wrapper.LoadStreamingModel(modelName, string(msg)) — This line loads the model into memory by calling the LoadStreamingModel method. It accepts a string modelName that specifies the model name to be loaded. The string(msg) is the second parameter, which is basically the user-provided prompt. This method is expected to return a stream that will produce some output as the model processes the input data.

  • processFunc — This function accepts a context and a byte slice as input and returns an error. The purpose of this function is to write the processed model output to a WebSocket connection:

    • err = conn.WriteMessage(msgType, part): This sends the model output to the other end of a WebSocket connection. msgType is not defined in the provided code, but typically in WebSocket APIs it denotes the type of the message, like Text, Binary, etc. part is the portion of the model output to be sent.
    • The function models.CallStreamingOutputFunction(modelName, aiResponse, processFunc) takes the model name, a response object from the stream loading function (probably containing the unprocessed data stream) and a function to process the output.
		if streaming {
			aiResponse, err := m.wrapper.LoadStreamingModel(modelName, string(msg))

			processFunc := func(ctx context.Context, part []byte) error {
				err = conn.WriteMessage(msgType, part)
				if err != nil {
					log.Println("Error writing to websocket:", err)
					return err
				return nil

			err = models.CallStreamingOutputFunction(modelName, aiResponse, processFunc)
			if err != nil {
				log.Fatal("streaming output processing error: ", err)


It's time for testing. Make sure your application is running.

Open websocket.http file which we created earlier. We are now passing streaming=1.


Provide your prompt in the message box and make sure to change the language from JSON to Plain text.



Yay! At last, the streaming is functioning properly. No need to be concerned if the output appears on a new line—we'll be developing a custom UI in React to manage that.

In the next section we will look into integrating Anthropic. The good part is that we have made most functionality generic. So, we just need to focus on the core business logic.