Interfaces & CRUD Operations

Centering on business logic via CRUD operations.

This section primarily focuses on implementing interfaces and CRUD operations.


Following this, we are going to establish several interfaces that define method signatures.


We will be working with author interface supporting methods for adding an author, linking an author and a book, and listing all authors.


package abstract

import (

type Author interface {
	AddAuthor(ctx context.Context, author models.Author) (*models.Author, error)
	LinkAuthorBook(ctx context.Context, params models.AuthorBook) (bool, error)
	ListAuthors(_ context.Context) ([]models.Author, error)

The Book interface provides an abstraction for operations on a book database, which includes adding, listing, updating, and deleting books.


package abstract

import (

type Book interface {
	AddBook(ctx context.Context, bookParams models.DateParser) (*models.BookParams, error)
	ListBooks(ctx context.Context) ([]models.Book, error)
	UpdateBook(ctx context.Context, updateBookParams models.DateParser, bookId int64) (bool, error)
	DeleteBook(ctx context.Context, bookId int64) error
	UpdateBookCover(ctx context.Context, bookId int64, bookImageURL string) (bool, error)


The Customer interface defines three methods for adding, updating, and deleting customers. These methods are expected to be implemented by any structs that satisfy this interface.

package abstract

import (

type Customer interface {
	AddCustomer(ctx context.Context, cusParams models.Customer) (*models.Customer, error)
	UpdateCustomer(ctx context.Context, updateCusParams models.CustomerParams, customerId int64) (bool, error)
	DeleteCustomer(ctx context.Context, customerId int64) error


  • AddReview: Takes a context and ReviewParams (with customer ID, book ID, rating, and comment). It returns a boolean and an error. This method will be used to add a review.
  • ListReview: Takes a context and a book ID, and returns a list of ReviewList (with review ID, rating, comment) and an error. This method could list all reviews for a specific book.
package abstract

import (

type Review interface {
	AddReview(ctx context.Context, revParams models.ReviewParams) (bool, error)
	ListReview(ctx context.Context, bookId int64) ([]models.ReviewList, error)

Before going ahead make sure to update the DBClient interface under database/db.go.


This means that the DBClient interface includes all the methods declared in these four interfaces. In other words, a struct that intends to implement DBClient should also implement all the methods of book, author,customer, and review interfaces.

CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete) Operations

Now, let's begin implementing the interfaces.




package database

import (

func (c Client) AddBook(ctx context.Context, bookParams models.DateParser) (*models.BookParams, error) {
	var Book models.Book
	switch params := bookParams.(type) {
	case *models.BookParams:
		Book.Title = params.Title
		Book.ISBN = params.ISBN
		Book.PublicationDate, _ = bookParams.ParsePublicationDate()

		result := c.db.WithContext(ctx).Create(&Book)

		if result.Error != nil {
			return nil, errors.New("unable to register book")
		params.Id = int64(Book.ID)

		return params, nil
		fmt.Printf("Type of bookParams: %T\n", bookParams)
		return nil, errors.New("unsupported Type")


func (c Client) ListBooks(ctx context.Context) ([]models.Book, error) {
	var books []models.Book
	result := c.db.WithContext(ctx).Find(&books)
	return books, result.Error

func (c Client) UpdateBook(_ context.Context, updateBookParams models.DateParser, bookId int64) (bool, error) {
	var bookInfo = models.Book{Model: gorm.Model{ID: uint(bookId)}}
	if err := c.db.First(&bookInfo).Error; err != nil {
		if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
			return false, errors.New("there is no book associated with this ID")
	switch params := updateBookParams.(type) {
	case models.UpdateBookParams:
		parsedDate, _ := params.ParsePublicationDate()
		c.db.Save(&models.Book{Model: gorm.Model{ID: uint(bookId)}, Title: params.Title, ISBN: params.ISBN, PublicationDate: parsedDate})
	return true, nil

func (c Client) DeleteBook(_ context.Context, bookId int64) error {
	var bookInfo = models.Book{Model: gorm.Model{ID: uint(bookId)}}
	if err := c.db.First(&bookInfo).Error; err != nil {
		if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
			return errors.New("there is no book associated with this ID")
	// Delete Book (Hard delete)
	return nil

func (c Client) UpdateBookCover(_ context.Context, bookId int64, bookImageURL string) (bool, error) {
	var bookInfo = models.Book{Model: gorm.Model{ID: uint(bookId)}}
	if err := c.db.First(&bookInfo).Error; err != nil {
		if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
			return false, errors.New("there is no book associated with this ID")
	//Update ImageURL
	c.db.Model(&bookInfo).Updates(models.Book{Image: bookImageURL})
	return true, nil


Let's break down the concepts.

Add Book

The function accepts two parameters:

  1. A context.Context, typically employed for request-scoping, carrying deadlines, and cancellation signals.
  2. An instance of the structure models.DateParser, assumed to contain parsing methods and properties necessary for book addition.

Upon successful execution, it yields either a pointer to a models.BookParams structure or an error.

It also sets the Title and ISBN from the parameters and parses the PublicationDate from bookParams.

Following this, the function endeavors to create a new record in the database using the instantiated book.

func (c Client) AddBook(ctx context.Context, bookParams models.DateParser) (*models.BookParams, error) {
	var Book models.Book
	switch params := bookParams.(type) {
	case *models.BookParams:
		Book.Title = params.Title
		Book.ISBN = params.ISBN
		Book.PublicationDate, _ = bookParams.ParsePublicationDate()

		result := c.db.WithContext(ctx).Create(&Book)

		if result.Error != nil {
			return nil, errors.New("unable to register book")
		params.Id = int64(Book.ID)

		return params, nil
		fmt.Printf("Type of bookParams: %T\n", bookParams)
		return nil, errors.New("unsupported Type")


List Book

The ListBooks function is employed to retrieve all book entries from a database. When invoked, it gathers all book records stored in the database and places them into a slice of models.Book. Subsequently, it returns this slice along with any errors that may have occurred during the database operation.

func (c Client) ListBooks(ctx context.Context) ([]models.Book, error) {
	var books []models.Book
	result := c.db.WithContext(ctx).Find(&books)
	return books, result.Error

Update Book

The function takes a context.Context, a models.DateParser interface, and a bookId as its arguments. Initially, it tries to find a book record in the database that matches the provided bookId. If no record is found, it returns false and an error message. If the book record is found, it proceeds to check the type of updateBookParams object. If it matches models.UpdateBookParams type, it parses the PublicationDate and updates the book record in the database using the provided new values. Finally, the function returns true and nil indicating the successful update of the book record.

func (c Client) UpdateBook(_ context.Context, updateBookParams models.DateParser, bookId int64) (bool, error) {
	var bookInfo = models.Book{Id: bookId}
	if err := c.db.First(&bookInfo).Error; err != nil {
		if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
			return false, errors.New("there is no book associated with this ID")
	switch params := updateBookParams.(type) {
	case models.UpdateBookParams:
		parsedDate, _ := params.ParsePublicationDate()
		c.db.Save(&models.Book{Id: bookId, Title: params.Title, ISBN: params.ISBN, PublicationDate: parsedDate})
	return true, nil

Delete Book

The function takes a context.Context and a bookId as arguments. It starts by attempting to find a book record in the database associated with the given bookId. If no book record is found, it returns an error indicating no book is associated with the provided ID. If a book record is found, the function proceeds to delete this record using GORM Delete method. The Unscoped call ensures a hard delete, which means the record is removed from the database entirely, not just marked as deleted.

func (c Client) DeleteBook(_ context.Context, bookId int64) error {
	var bookInfo = models.Book{Id: bookId}
	if err := c.db.First(&bookInfo).Error; err != nil {
		if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
			return errors.New("there is no book associated with this ID")
	// Delete Book (Hard delete)
	return nil

Update Book Cover

The function proceeds to update the Image field of the book record with the new bookImageURL provided. Finally, the function returns true and nil, indicating that the book's cover information was updated successfully. We are not working on the implementation. I will be covering this topic separately in the HTTP handler section.

func (c Client) UpdateBookCover(_ context.Context, bookId int64, bookImageURL string) (bool, error) {
	var bookInfo = models.Book{Id: bookId}
	if err := c.db.First(&bookInfo).Error; err != nil {
		if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
			return false, errors.New("there is no book associated with this ID")
	//Update ImageURL
	c.db.Model(&bookInfo).Updates(models.Book{Image: bookImageURL})
	return true, nil





package database

import (

func (c Client) AddAuthor(ctx context.Context, author models.Author) (*models.Author, error) {
	var maxID int
	if result := c.db.Model(&models.Author{}).Select("COALESCE(MAX(id), 0)").Scan(&maxID); result.Error != nil {
		return nil, errors.New("something went wrong")
	var AuthorModel models.Author
	AuthorModel.ID = uint(maxID) + 1
	AuthorModel.Name = author.Name
	result := c.db.WithContext(ctx).Create(&AuthorModel)
	if result.Error != nil {
		return nil, errors.New("unable to register author")
	return &AuthorModel, nil

func (c Client) LinkAuthorBook(_ context.Context, params models.AuthorBook) (bool, error) {
	author := models.Author{Id: params.AuthorID}
	book := models.Book{Id: params.BookID}
	err := c.db.Model(&author).Association("Books").Append(&book)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	return true, nil

func (c Client) ListAuthors(_ context.Context) ([]models.Author, error) {
	var authors []models.Author
	result := c.db.Preload("Books").Find(&authors)

	if result.Error != nil {
		return nil, result.Error
	return authors, nil

Add Author

The function is responsible for adding a new author to the database. If there's an error during this process, it logs the error and returns a failed registration message. Otherwise, it successfully returns the newly created author.

func (c Client) AddAuthor(ctx context.Context, author models.Author) (*models.Author, error) {
	var AuthorModel models.Author
	AuthorModel.Name = author.Name
	result := c.db.WithContext(ctx).Create(&AuthorModel)
	if result.Error != nil {
		return nil, errors.New("unable to register author")
	return &AuthorModel, nil

Linking Author & Book

The LinkAuthorBook function is responsible for creating a relationship between a given Author and Book. It takes a context and a params object as arguments, where params is of type AuthorBook, which contains IDs of an author and a book. This function creates instances of author and book using the IDs from params. Then, it calls Association("Books") on the author model. This targets the "Books" association in the author model, which represents a relational database association (many-to-many relationship between authors and books). Using Append(&book), it attempts to add the Book instance to the Author's "Books" association, effectively connecting the book to the author.

func (c Client) LinkAuthorBook(_ context.Context, params models.AuthorBook) (bool, error) {
	author := models.Author{Id: params.AuthorID}
	book := models.Book{Id: params.BookID}
	err := c.db.Model(&author).Association("Books").Append(&book)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	return true, nil

List Authors

The ListAuthors function retrieves all the authors present in the database. It uses the GORM's Preload() method to also load the associated books field for each author (this is eager loading). Then, it calls Find(&authors) to fetch all authors from the database and store them in the authors slice of models.Author.

func (c Client) ListAuthors(_ context.Context) ([]models.Author, error) {
	var authors []models.Author
	result := c.db.Preload("Books").Find(&authors)

	if result.Error != nil {
		return nil, result.Error
	return authors, nil




package database

import (

func (c Client) AddCustomer(_ context.Context, cusParams models.Customer) (*models.Customer, error) {
	var Customer models.Customer
	Customer.FirstName = cusParams.FirstName
	Customer.LastName = cusParams.LastName
	Customer.Email = cusParams.Email
	Customer.PhoneNumber = cusParams.PhoneNumber
	Customer.Address = cusParams.Address

	return &Customer, nil

func (c Client) DeleteCustomer(_ context.Context, customerId int64) error {
	var CustomerInfo = models.Customer{Model: gorm.Model{ID: uint(customerId)}}

	if err := c.db.First(&CustomerInfo).Error; err != nil {
		if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
			return errors.New("there is no customer associated with this ID")
	return nil

func (c Client) UpdateCustomer(_ context.Context, updateCusParams models.CustomerParams, customerId int64) (bool, error) {
	var cusInfo = models.Customer{Model: gorm.Model{ID: uint(customerId)}}
	if err := c.db.First(&cusInfo).Error; err != nil {
		if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
			return false, errors.New("there is no customer associated with this ID")
		FirstName: updateCusParams.FirstName,
		LastName:  updateCusParams.LastName,
		Address:   updateCusParams.Address})
	return true, nil

Add Customer

The function is used to create a new customer in the database. It saves the new customer to the database using db.Create(). Finally, it returns a pointer to the new customer.

func (c Client) AddCustomer(_ context.Context, cusParams models.Customer) (*models.Customer, error) {
	var Customer models.Customer
	Customer.FirstName = cusParams.FirstName
	Customer.LastName = cusParams.LastName
	Customer.Email = cusParams.Email
	Customer.PhoneNumber = cusParams.PhoneNumber
	Customer.Address = cusParams.Address

	return &Customer, nil

Update Customer

The function is used to update the information of an existing customer in a database. It takes the customer's ID as a parameter, and looks up the customer with that ID in the database using db.First(&cusInfo). If no such customer exists, an error is generated and the function returns false with an error message. If the customer exists, the function updates the customer's information with values provided in updateCusParams.

func (c Client) UpdateCustomer(_ context.Context, updateCusParams models.CustomerParams, customerId int64) (bool, error) {
	var cusInfo = models.Customer{Id: customerId}
	if err := c.db.First(&cusInfo).Error; err != nil {
		if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
			return false, errors.New("there is no customer associated with this ID")
		FirstName: updateCusParams.FirstName,
		LastName:  updateCusParams.LastName,
		Address:   updateCusParams.Address})
	return true, nil

Delete Customer

The function is used to remove a customer from the database. The function first finds the customer with the provided customerId in the database using db.First(&CustomerInfo). If the customer does not exist, an error is thrown. If the customer does exist, the Delete function is called on CustomerInfo, which deletes the customer from the database.

func (c Client) DeleteCustomer(_ context.Context, customerId int64) error {
	var CustomerInfo = models.Customer{Id: customerId}

	if err := c.db.First(&CustomerInfo).Error; err != nil {
		if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
			return errors.New("there is no customer associated with this ID")
	return nil

Before going ahead, we will be creating a utility file which will be used across the application.



This code defines a custom error type named NotFoundError in the core package of the project. NotFoundError is a struct type that holds an integer field Code and a string field Message, presumably for an error code and error message, respectively. A method Error() is defined on the NotFoundError struct type, making it fulfill the built-in error interface in Go.

package core

import (

type NotFoundError struct {
	Code    int
	Message string

func (e *NotFoundError) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("Error %d: %s", e.Code, e.Message)




package database

import (

func (c Client) AddReview(ctx context.Context, revParams models.ReviewParams) (bool, error) {
	var customer models.Customer
	var book models.Book
	if err := c.db.Where("id = ?", revParams.CustomerID).Take(&customer).Error; err != nil {
		if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
			return false, &core.NotFoundError{Code: http.StatusNotFound,
				Message: "Invalid Customer ID"}
		} else {
			return false, err

	if err := c.db.Where("id = ?", revParams.BookID).Take(&book).Error; err != nil {
		if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
			return false, &core.NotFoundError{Code: http.StatusNotFound,
				Message: "Invalid Book ID"}
		} else {
			return false, err

	var Review models.Review
	Review.Rating = revParams.Rating
	Review.Comment = revParams.Comment
	Review.CustomerID = revParams.CustomerID
	Review.BookID = revParams.BookID

	return true, nil


func (c Client) ListReview(ctx context.Context, bookId int64) ([]models.ReviewList, error) {
	var reviewList []models.ReviewList
	c.db.WithContext(ctx).Model(models.Review{}).Select("id", "rating", "comment").Where(&models.Review{BookID: bookId}).Find(&reviewList)

	return reviewList, nil

Add Review

This function is meant to store a new review of a book into a database. It fetches the Customer and Book records using the CustomerID and BookID from the revParams input parameter respectively. With all the pieces in place, it copies review information from revParams, and assigns the CustomerID and BookID. Finally, it stores the new review record in the review table in the database and returns true to signify that the operation was successful.

func (c Client) AddReview(ctx context.Context, revParams models.ReviewParams) (bool, error) {
	var customer models.Customer
	var book models.Book
	if err := c.db.Where("id = ?", revParams.CustomerID).Take(&customer).Error; err != nil {
		if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
			return false, &core.NotFoundError{Code: http.StatusNotFound,
				Message: "Invalid Customer ID"}
		} else {
			return false, err

	if err := c.db.Where("id = ?", revParams.BookID).Take(&book).Error; err != nil {
		if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
			return false, &core.NotFoundError{Code: http.StatusNotFound,
				Message: "Invalid Book ID"}
		} else {
			return false, err

	var Review models.Review
	Review.Rating = revParams.Rating
	Review.Comment = revParams.Comment
	Review.CustomerID = revParams.CustomerID
	Review.BookID = revParams.BookID

	return true, nil


List Review

This function is used to retrieve a list of reviews for a specific book from a database. It models the Review struct, selects the "id", "rating", and "comment" fields, and filters the results based on the BookID matching the bookId parameter passed to the function.

func (c Client) ListReview(ctx context.Context, bookId int64) ([]models.ReviewList, error) {
	var reviewList []models.ReviewList
	c.db.WithContext(ctx).Model(models.Review{}).Select("id", "rating", "comment").Where(&models.Review{BookID: bookId}).Find(&reviewList)

	return reviewList, nil