
Visual, standalone, bite-sized learning resources organized into different categories.

Profile your Application
Profile your Application
See how your application is performing with the built-in profiler.
Turn on Preview Features to try new Java Features
Turn on Preview Features to try new Java Features
The latest versions of Java contain "Preview Features", features that are fully functional but require developer feedback. Try them out in IntelliJ IDEA.
Preview HTML updates in Real Time
Preview HTML updates in Real Time
See what your changes look like as you make them to minimise errors.
Create a Correct Parent Sealed Class
Create a Correct Parent Sealed Class
Sealed types are a new idea for Java developers, let IntelliJ IDEA guide you in how to use them.
Create a Correct Child Sealed Class
Create a Correct Child Sealed Class
Sealed types are a new idea for Java developers, let IntelliJ IDEA guide you in how to create child classes.
Lightweight Inspection Profile on Commit
Lightweight Inspection Profile on Commit
Fully customise the checks you must perform before you commit your changes to version control.
Use Pattern Matching for instanceof
Use Pattern Matching for instanceof
Inspections can guide us to use newer Java features.
Identify and Fix Deprecated Calls
Identify and Fix Deprecated Calls
IntelliJ IDEA will warn you if you're using deprecated methods, and they will be shown with a strikethrough if they're marked for removal.
Create Record
Create Record
Let IntelliJ IDEA support you in creating a new Java record class.
Convert from Record
Convert from Record
Use quick intentions to convert a record to a class.
IntelliJ IDEA Welcome Screen
IntelliJ IDEA Welcome Screen
Get a project from source control, open an existing project, or create a new project.
Refactor an Unreachable Statement
Refactor an Unreachable Statement
Use quick intentions to remove redundant code.