
Visual, standalone, bite-sized learning resources organized into different categories.

Put Kotlin Arguments on Separate Lines
Put Kotlin Arguments on Separate Lines
Use quick intentions to improve the readability of your code by putting arguments on separate lines.
Move Line
Move Line
Move a line throughout your class, but watch out for errors!
Meaningless Arguments
Meaningless Arguments
Use quick intentions to remove redundant code so it's not cluttering your codebase.
Kotlin Code Completion
Kotlin Code Completion
Use code and statement completion to write code faster.
Inline a Method
Inline a Method
Sometimes inlining a method can improve the readability of your code.
Find Usages
Find Usages
Use Find Usages to search for references in your code base.
Find Next Word
Find Next Word
Find next word and highlight all instances.
Extract Parameter
Extract Parameter
Extract code to a parameter in Kotlin.
Extract Parameter
Extract Parameter
Extract code to a parameter.
Extract Field
Extract Field
Extract code to a field.
Extract Constant
Extract Constant
Extract a value to a constant.
Exclude a Completion Option
Exclude a Completion Option
Helps to reduce options that are not relevant for your code.