
Visual, standalone, bite-sized learning resources organized into different categories.

Using regex
Using regex
Using language injection to work with Regex.
Live Templates
Live Templates
Use Live Templates to auto-complete common code structures for you.
Creating Code
Creating Code
IntelliJ IDEA can help create code for you saving your fingers.
Viewing Scrollbars
Viewing Scrollbars
You can view a wealth of information about your code in the scrollbars.
Recent Files & Locations
Recent Files & Locations
Quickly navigate around your recent files & locations to stay in your current working context.
Problem Window
Problem Window
Using the Problems tool window to find and fix errors as they occur.
Parameter Information
Parameter Information
Finding the parameter type can be really helpful for understanding your code.
Gutter Icons
Gutter Icons
View information about your code by looking at the gutter icons.
Understanding the Debugger
Understanding the Debugger
Use the debugger to help you understand what your code is doing.
Debugging Streams
Debugging Streams
Visualize the flow of data through a Java stream.
Structural Search
Structural Search
Structural Search and Replace is very helpful for finding exactly what you need in your project.