
Visual, standalone, bite-sized learning resources organized into different categories.

Upgrade Dependencies
Upgrade Dependencies
Upgrade dependencies from the Dependencies tool window.
Themes and Plugins
Themes and Plugins
How to find themes and install plugins.
Shortcuts and Abbreviations
Shortcuts and Abbreviations
Using shortcuts and abbreviations to speed up your navigation in your IDE.
Remove Dependency
Remove Dependency
Remove dependency in the Dependencies tool window.
Productivity Guide
Productivity Guide
Ever wandered which features of IntelliJ IDEA you use the most?
Use the Notifications tool window to see what's happening with your project.
Go to Declaration or Implementation
Go to Declaration or Implementation
Use Go to Declaration or Usages, and Go to Implementation to navgiate around your codebase.
Focus on your code
Focus on your code
Focus on your code window
Select Kotlin Multiplatform dependencies
Select Kotlin Multiplatform dependencies
Select Kotlin Multiplatform dependencies in the Dependencies tool window.
Feature Trainer
Feature Trainer
Learn IntelliJ IDEA features using the Feature Trainer.
Code With Me
Code With Me
Collaborate with your friends and colleagues remotely by using Code With Me.
Navigating Forward & Backward
Navigating Forward & Backward
Move forward and backward between your locations in the code so you don't need to have tabs open.