
Visual, standalone, bite-sized learning resources organized into different categories.

Upgrade Dependencies
Upgrade Dependencies
Upgrade dependencies from your `pom.xml` file.
Refactor Rename
Refactor Rename
Quickly renaming classes, methods, and variables in IntelliJ IDEA.
Duplicate Lines
Duplicate Lines
Sometimes you want to duplicate the current line or a selected block of code.
Dependency Details Pane
Dependency Details Pane
See relevant information about your dependencies.
Presentation Mode
Presentation Mode
Enter and Exit Presentation Mode using the Quick Switch Scheme.
Presentation Mode Font Size
Presentation Mode Font Size
Configure font size for Presentation Mode to suit your audience.
Extract Variable
Extract Variable
Extract code to a variable
Configure your font, font size, and more so your IDE works for you.
Compare with Clipboard
Compare with Clipboard
Quickly compare two files right inside your IDE.
Show Line Numbers
Show Line Numbers
Turn show line numbers off and on as required.
Create scratch files
Create scratch files
Turn show line numbers off and on
Refactor This
Refactor This
You can use one keyboard shortcut for all refactoring options inside your IDE.