Create an Editor Fold

Create an editor fold to hide parts of your class which can make it more readable.

You can select some code by scope and then use ⌥⌘T (macOS) / Ctrl+Alt+T (Windows/Linux) to create an editor fold.

Fold code ⌥⌘- (macOS) / Ctrl+Alt+- (Windows/Linux) when you don't need it, and expand it again ⌥⌘+ (macOS) / Ctrl+Alt++ (Windows/Linux) when you do.

These are useful to minimise some code while you're working in other areas of the class. You can always maximise them again later.

Related Resources

New Line
New Line
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Find Next Word
Find Next Word
Find next word and highlight all instances.
Extend Selection
Extend Selection
Extend and shrink your current code selection.