Add dependencies

Different ways to add dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA.

There are several ways to add new dependencies to your project.

From the build file using copy-paste

You have probably copied a dependency from Maven Repository (or another website) and pasted into your build file.

For example, we can copy the Gradle format for this dependency and paste it into our build.gradle file.

MvnRepository Gradle format

Copy dependency into build.gradle

Or, if we are using Maven, we can copy the Maven xml format into our pom.xml.

MvnRepository Maven format

Copy dependency into pom.xml

Did you know that if you copy-paste a Maven XML dependency into your build.gradle file, IntelliJ IDEA automatically turns it into the correct format for Gradle?

From the build file using code completion

We can also add dependencies to our build file using code completion. For example, let's add a new dependency to our pom.xml.

Code completion in pom.xml

Code completion in pom.xml

Code completion in pom.xml

Code completion in pom.xml

We see that IntelliJ IDEA autocompletes the dependency xml, and we can search for the dependency we want, in this example AssertJ. If needed, the version number will also be added. Since this is a test dependency, we need to add the test scope, still using code completion.

Code completion in pom.xml

Code completion in pom.xml

Code completion works in Gradle too, as you can see below.

Code completion in build.gradle

Code completion in build.gradle