Summary and Shortcuts

Reading Code in IntelliJ IDEA Summary.

In this tutorial we’ve looked at the many ways IntelliJ IDEA can help you to read and understand code.

IntelliJ IDEA Shortcuts Used

Here are the IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts that we used.

Name macOS Shortcut Windows / Linux Shortcut
Hide / Restore all tool windows ⇧⌘F12 Ctrl+Shift+F12
Reformat code ⌘⌥L Ctrl+Alt+L
Move Statement Up ⌘⇧↑ Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow
Move Statement Down ⌘⇧↓ Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow
Expand ⌘+ Ctrl+Plus
Collapse ⌘- Ctrl+Minus
Expand All ⌘⇧+ Ctrl+Shift+Plus
Collapse All ⌘⇧- Ctrl+Shift+Minus
Find ⌘F Ctrl+F
File Structure ⌘F12 Ctrl+F12
Show Structure Tool Window ⌘7 Alt+7
Jump to Source ⌘↓ F4
Navigate Back ⌘[ Ctrl+Alt+Left Arrow
Navigate Forward ⌘] Ctrl+Alt+Right Arrow
Select In ⌥F1 Alt+F1
Show Quick Documentation F1 Ctrl+Q
Show Type Parameter Information ⌃⇧P Ctrl+Shift+P
Render Documentation in the Editor ⌃⌥Q Ctrl+Alt+Q
Generate / Navigate to Test ⌘⇧T Ctrl+Shift+T
Toggle breakpoint ⌘F8 Ctrl+F8
Debug test ⌃⇧D
Evaluate expression ⌥F8 Alt+F8
Step over F8 F8
Step into F7 F7
Refactor Rename ⇧F6 Shift+F6
Extract Method ⌥⌘M Ctrl+Alt+M
Show Intention Actions ⌥⏎ Alt+Enter
VCS Popup ⌃V Alt+`
Open / Close Git tool window ⌘9 Alt+9
Show Diff ⌘D Ctrl+D
Open / Close Project Tool Window ⌘ 1 Alt+1

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