
Concise multiplatform language developed by JetBrains


Latest links

Guard conditions
Guard conditions
Create advanced control flows in when statements
Non-local break & continue
Non-local break & continue
Making inline lambdas truly first-class citizens
Multi-dollar String Interpolation in Kotlin
Multi-dollar String Interpolation in Kotlin
Improve $ handling in string literals
UUID in Kotlin Multiplatform
UUID in Kotlin Multiplatform
Work with unique IDs using the Kotlin Standard Library
Godot Game Development Leveraging Kotlin
Godot Game Development Leveraging Kotlin
Pierre-Thomas Meisels, Tristan Grespinet, Cedric Hippmann

Latest tips

Prevent a Package Depending Upon Another
Prevent a Package Depending Upon Another
Enforce architecture rules, such as data access layers not depending upon UI layers.
Generate UML Diagrams for your Kotlin code
Generate UML Diagrams for your Kotlin code
JVM developers working with Kotlin code can create UML diagrams for their Kotlin classes, just like they could with Java classes.
Extract Parameter
Extract Parameter
Extract code to a parameter in Kotlin.
Add Remaining Branches in Kotlin
Add Remaining Branches in Kotlin
Use quick intentions to generate code automatically and save you typing.