
All the resources in the Guide, starting with most recent.

Game graphics, assets and project setup

Part of tutorial

Game graphics, assets and project setup
Create project, find and import Unity Asset Store graphics
Creating a starfield skybox

Part of tutorial

Creating a starfield skybox
Add a skybox to your Unity game
Controlling the player – Shooting lasers and moving around

Part of tutorial

Controlling the player – Shooting lasers and moving around
Add behavior to Unity GameObjects

Part of tutorial

What have we learned building an asteroids game?
Adding basic UI for keeping score

Part of tutorial

Adding basic UI for keeping score
Add UI elements to the game
Adding a spaceship and asteroid to the scene

Part of tutorial

Adding a spaceship and asteroid to the scene
Add prefabs to the game scene
Source Control Management with Godot

Part of tutorial

Source Control Management with Godot
Using Git source control for your Godot project.
Introduction To Game Development

Part of tutorial

Introduction To Game Development
Introduction to game development and why you would consider Godot Game Engine and C# for your game.
How to Build Pong with Godot and JetBrains Rider


How to Build Pong with Godot and JetBrains Rider
We'll walk you through building a Pong game using Godot Game Engine and JetBrains Rider.
Godot Nodes and the Scene Tree

Part of tutorial

Godot Nodes and the Scene Tree
Working with Godot Nodes to build out our game's scene.
Game Design

Part of tutorial

Game Design
Sketching out our game and its mechanics to prepare for building a Godot game.
Set up a Godot Game Development Environment

Part of tutorial

Set up a Godot Game Development Environment
Setting up your game development environment for Godot Game Engine.