
All the resources in the Guide, starting with most recent.

Wrap Selection With Tag


Wrap Selection With Tag
Use the keyboard to put a wrapper tag around a selection of code.
Spot Coverage Gaps Using the Gutter


Spot Coverage Gaps Using the Gutter
Let the IDE help you spot coverage gaps in your testing.
Split Screen Without Tabs


Split Screen Without Tabs
Get your code and tests side-by-side without resorting to tabs.
Put New Project Under Version Control


Put New Project Under Version Control
The fastest way to register a new project directory under local version control.
Create SQLite Database Connection


Create SQLite Database Connection
How to drag-and-drop a .sqlite database file onto the Database tool to create a connection.
Run From Keyboard


Run From Keyboard
Use the keyboard to select and run a run configuration.
Evaluate Expression During Debugging


Evaluate Expression During Debugging
Select your code and execute it, in the right context.
Auto-Run Tests


Auto-Run Tests
Get into testing mode by telling PyCharm to automatically re-run tests as you type.
Enable vim keybindings with IdeaVim plugin


Enable vim keybindings with IdeaVim plugin
Use the same keybindings from vim with a PlugIn
Rename Symbol


Rename Symbol
Change a variable name, class name, or other symbol, across the project.
Rename a File and its References


Rename a File and its References
Change your mind on a file name and the IDE makes all the changes for you.
Quick Documentation


Quick Documentation
View arguments and documentation without interrupting your flow.