
All the resources in the Guide, starting with most recent.

Open any file from the Navigation Bar


Open any file from the Navigation Bar
Using just the keyboard, browse and open files in your project.
Navigate files with the Navigation Bar


Navigate files with the Navigation Bar
Navigate to project files from the navigation bar. No mouse! 🐁
Create a new File from the Navigation Bar


Create a new File from the Navigation Bar
A fast way to add a new file to your project, without touching the mouse.
Quickly Sort Lines


Quickly Sort Lines
Sort lines of code in your editor alphabetically.
Enabling Soft Wraps


Enabling Soft Wraps
Wrap lines to eliminate the need of scrolling horizontally in order to see overly long lines.
Activate the Navigation Bar


Activate the Navigation Bar
Turn the navigation bar on when you need it and dismiss it when you're done.
Comment Out Code


Comment Out Code
Quickly comment/uncomment blocks and lines.
Using Code Snippets


Using Code Snippets
How to use the built-in code snippets in JetBrains IDEs.
Add Placeholder Text in Seconds


Add Placeholder Text in Seconds
Use the power of Emmet to add some lorem ipsum faster.
Adding Fields In a Constructor


Adding Fields In a Constructor
Let your IDE add constructor arguments to your instance.
Running and Stopping a Process


Running and Stopping a Process
How to run and terminate/stop a process
Generate a UML diagram


Generate a UML diagram
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate allows you to generate UML diagrams.