
All the resources in the Guide, starting with most recent.

Synthesizing a Database With Kotlin


Synthesizing a Database With Kotlin
In this episode of Talking Kotlin, we discuss how Synthesized uses Kotlin together with custom DSLs and OpenAPI to do just that!
JetBrains Space and JetBrains Rider


JetBrains Space and JetBrains Rider
A full solution to power your game development process!
Connect to a Running Docker Container Shell


Connect to a Running Docker Container Shell
Explore the file system and processes in the container, tail a log file, and more.
Why is ReSharper/Rider suggesting this?


Why is ReSharper/Rider suggesting this?
ReSharper and Rider help you learn existing and new features of .NET!
Remote development with JetBrains Rider


Remote development with JetBrains Rider
Experience the power of developing .NET applications remotely!
Godot Community Resources

Part of tutorial

Godot Community Resources
Community resources that will help you on your Godot journey.
Working with Blueprints

Part of tutorial

Working with Blueprints
Navigate back-and-forth between code an blueprints, find usages, and more.
What is Rider for Unreal?

Part of tutorial

What is Rider for Unreal?
Learn about using Rider for your Unreal Engine games.
Unit testing

Part of tutorial

Unit testing
The Unreal Engine testing framework is built in and works without additional configuration.
Navigating your project

Part of tutorial

Navigating your project
Use Search Everywhere to helps you find code, functions, blueprint usages, and more.
Creating Games With Unreal Editor and JetBrains Rider


Creating Games With Unreal Editor and JetBrains Rider
JetBrains Rider is the best scripting editor for Unity – let's find out why!
Editing, code completion, inspections

Part of tutorial

Editing, code completion, inspections
Let's explore what the coding experience is like!