
All the resources in the Guide, starting with most recent.

gRPC Client

Part of tutorial

gRPC Client
Developing the gRPC Client and Implementing Endpoints

Part of tutorial

Wrapping Up with gRPC
Generating Stubs for Reverse Proxy

Part of tutorial

Generating Stubs for Reverse Proxy
Relaying gRPC Requests - Using a Reverse Proxy for Interoperability

Part of tutorial

Prepare Your Software for a Task Management App Build
gRPC in Go: Let's Go

Part of tutorial

gRPC in Go: Let's Go
Building a GRPC Application - Let's Get Started

Part of tutorial

Next Up - Building a gRPC Server for Efficient Communication
Edit Text in Multiple Places At Once


Edit Text in Multiple Places At Once
How to use multiple cursors to code faster in JetBrains IDEs.
Auto Install and Import Packages on the Fly


Auto Install and Import Packages on the Fly
Start typing a name in the editor. If the name references a class that has not been imported you can import it and add the import in one step.
Create and Understand Commit Messages with AI Assistant


Create and Understand Commit Messages with AI Assistant
How AI Assistant can both generate a commit message and help you understand prior commit messages
Explain Code with AI Assistant


Explain Code with AI Assistant
How AI Assistant can help you understand code
Setting Up and Running the Application

Part of tutorial

Setting Up and Running the Application
Configuring the Application Using Dockerfile and Docker Compose