
All the resources in the Guide, starting with most recent.

Creating a new project

Part of tutorial

Creating a new project
Using the New Project Wizard to create a new project.
Compiling and Running

Part of tutorial

Compiling and Running
Use IntelliJ IDEA to run your Hello World application.
Upgrade dependencies

Part of tutorial

Upgrade dependencies
Upgrade dependencies using Package Search.
Summary and Shortcuts

Part of tutorial

Summary and Shortcuts
Managing dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA Summary.
Remove dependencies

Part of tutorial

Remove dependencies
Remove dependencies using Package Search.

Part of tutorial

Managing dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA.
Managing dependencies


Managing dependencies
Managing dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA.
Add dependencies

Part of tutorial

Add dependencies
Different ways to add dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA.
Show Line Numbers


Show Line Numbers
Turn show line numbers off and on as required.
Create scratch files


Create scratch files
Turn show line numbers off and on
Refactor This


Refactor This
You can use one keyboard shortcut for all refactoring options inside your IDE.
Enable Mouse Zoom


Enable Mouse Zoom
Enable mouse zoom to quickly enlarge (or reduce) your font size.