
All the resources in the Guide, starting with most recent.


Part of tutorial

Different ways to view dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA.
Viewing dependencies


Viewing dependencies
Different ways to view dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA.
Dependency tool window

Part of tutorial

Dependency tool window
View dependencies in the dependency tool window.
Build tool window

Part of tutorial

Build tool window
View dependencies in the build tool window.
Dependency management config file

Part of tutorial

Dependency management config file
View dependencies in the dependency management config file.
Only Commit Some Changes


Only Commit Some Changes
Select specific files or regions within files during the commit process for a lower level of commit granularity.
Fix Your Work with Amend Commit


Fix Your Work with Amend Commit
Put some missing work back into your last commit, before you push.

Part of tutorial

Project Dependencies, Mapping Annotations, SessionFactory

Part of tutorial

Project Dependencies, Mapping Annotations, SessionFactory
The basics of Hibernate.
Introduction to Hibernate & JPA Tutorial

Part of tutorial

Introduction to Hibernate & JPA Tutorial
Overview to the tutorial.
Marco Codes - Hibernate & JPA Tutorial


Marco Codes - Hibernate & JPA Tutorial
Crash course in Hibernate and JPA
Hibernate/JPA and Spring Boot

Part of tutorial

Hibernate/JPA and Spring Boot
Linking Hibernate with Spring Boot.