
All the resources in the Guide, starting with most recent.

Turbocharging SQL Queries


Turbocharging SQL Queries
Speed up your SQL queries with your JetBrains IDE.
Tabless UI in any JetBrains IDE


Tabless UI in any JetBrains IDE
Configure your editor tabs to optimize your coding environment.
Writing REST with Django and Ninja


Writing REST with Django and Ninja
Django Ninja is a FastAPI inspired library for turning your Django views into REST API end-points.
Django-in-PyCharm Tips, Reloaded


Django-in-PyCharm Tips, Reloaded
Two and a half years ago we did a “Django tips in PyCharm” webinar; this refresher swaps out some tips, but also shows lots of new goodness in the IDE.
View supertype and subtype hierarchy


View supertype and subtype hierarchy
You can view supertypes and subtypes in the hierarchy quickly with your keyboard shortcuts.
Restore a Deleted Breakpoint


Restore a Deleted Breakpoint
You can restore previously configured breakpoints if you accidentally delete them.
Inspections Widget


Inspections Widget
The top-right corner of your editor shows you information about the state of your class at a glance.
Highlighted Commands in the Terminal


Highlighted Commands in the Terminal
Have you ever wondered which IntelliJ IDEA terminal commands you can run in IntelliJ IDEA?
Who is behind Django? An interview with the DSF president


Who is behind Django? An interview with the DSF president
In this interview, we’ll be talking with DSF President Chaim Kirby about its history, what it does, what it needs, and what’s next.
From the UI

Part of tutorial

From the UI
Using Git interactive rebase in the UI.
Introduction to Git interactive rebase

Part of tutorial

Introduction to Git interactive rebase
What is Git interactive rebase and why would you use it?
Git interactive rebase


Git interactive rebase
How to clean up your Git commit history with Git interactive rebase.