
All the resources in the Guide, starting with most recent.

Fill Paragraph for Go Comments


Fill Paragraph for Go Comments
Ensure that comments have the width you like.
Using inspections

Part of tutorial

Using inspections
Using JUnit 5 Inspections to migrate.

Part of tutorial

A list of shortcuts used in the tutorial.
Overview of JUnit 4 Structure

Part of tutorial

Overview of JUnit 4 Structure
An overview of what a typical JUnit 4 test suite might contain.
Other approaches to consider

Part of tutorial

Other approaches to consider
There are other approaches that you can consider for migration.
Manual migration for more complex cases

Part of tutorial

Manual migration for more complex cases
Migrating more complex uses cases from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5.

Part of tutorial

Introduction to Migrating JUnit 4 to JUnit 5.
Migrating JUnit 4 to JUnit 5


Migrating JUnit 4 to JUnit 5
Migrating your JUnit 4 test suite to JUnit 5.
Final Steps

Part of tutorial

Final Steps
Wrapping the migration up.
Automatically migrating tests

Part of tutorial

Automatically migrating tests
Let IntelliJ IDEA migrate as many tests as possible automatically.
Adding dependencies

Part of tutorial

Adding dependencies
Adding JUnit 5 Dependencies.
Write SQL queries using popular database packages


Write SQL queries using popular database packages
Work with SQL queries and get completion and other features automatically.