

Learning resources when writing code in the IDE's editor.

With our IDEs, you can edit your code quickly and efficiently with a range of shortcuts to help you.

See Also

Clean Up Messy Imports With Optimize Imports


Clean Up Messy Imports With Optimize Imports
Quickly remove any unused imports and more.
Generate documentation with AI


Generate documentation with AI
AI can help you make XML documentation both automatic and useful.
Add console.log Faster


Add console.log Faster
Use Postfix Completion to quickly add console.log.
Create getters and setters for struct fields


Create getters and setters for struct fields
Generate the support code to access fields indirectly, via getters and setters
Find in Path with the Navigation Bar


Find in Path with the Navigation Bar
Use the Navigation bar and Find in File together and be faster than all of your team members.
Speed search with the Navigation Bar


Speed search with the Navigation Bar
Use the keyboard abbreviations to quickly find what you're looking for in the Navigation bar.
Create a new File from the Navigation Bar


Create a new File from the Navigation Bar
A fast way to add a new file to your project, without touching the mouse.
Open any file from the Navigation Bar


Open any file from the Navigation Bar
Using just the keyboard, browse and open files in your project.
Navigate files with the Navigation Bar


Navigate files with the Navigation Bar
Navigate to project files from the navigation bar. No mouse! 🐁
Add Placeholder Text in Seconds


Add Placeholder Text in Seconds
Use the power of Emmet to add some lorem ipsum faster.
Using Code Snippets


Using Code Snippets
How to use the built-in code snippets in JetBrains IDEs.
Comment Out Code


Comment Out Code
Quickly comment/uncomment blocks and lines.
Activate the Navigation Bar


Activate the Navigation Bar
Turn the navigation bar on when you need it and dismiss it when you're done.
Quickly Sort Lines


Quickly Sort Lines
Sort lines of code in your editor alphabetically.
Enabling Soft Wraps


Enabling Soft Wraps
Wrap lines to eliminate the need of scrolling horizontally in order to see overly long lines.
Adding Fields In a Constructor


Adding Fields In a Constructor
Let your IDE add constructor arguments to your instance.
Generate constructors and accessor methods


Generate constructors and accessor methods
Quickly generate common code constructs such as Constructors, Getters and Setters
Reformat Your Code


Reformat Your Code
Reformat a specific piece of code or the whole file according to your preferences.
Edit Text in Multiple Places At Once


Edit Text in Multiple Places At Once
How to use multiple cursors to code faster in JetBrains IDEs.
File-scoped namespaces and types


File-scoped namespaces and types
Organize code better and reduce bugs by using file-scoped namespaces and objects
C# Top-level statements


C# Top-level statements
Use top-level statements in C# to reduce boilerplate code.
Global usings


Global usings
Organize `using` statements so they're out of your way.
Transform Existing Expression into Another One


Transform Existing Expression into Another One
Quickly transform an existing expression into another one using Tab.
Create Reusable Code Snippets


Create Reusable Code Snippets
Save time by reusing blocks of code with custom code snippets.
Surround with Emmet


Surround with Emmet
Quickly surround a selection with rich markup using the Emmet toolkit.
Expand and Collapse Code


Expand and Collapse Code
Quickly view specific parts of a class by expanding or collapsing code
Move Statement


Move Statement
Move a statement up or down
Grammar Checking with Grazie


Grammar Checking with Grazie
Use Grazie to check grammar in regular text.
Test Regular Expressions in the IDE


Test Regular Expressions in the IDE
WebStorm helps test regular expressions on the fly.
How to improve code quality in game development with Qodana and Unity

JetBrains Blog

How to improve code quality in game development with Qodana and Unity
Game development with Qodana and Unity
Rename bookmark


Rename bookmark
Rename an existing bookmark
CamelCase in code completion


CamelCase in code completion
Use CamelCase in code completion
Postfix Completion


Postfix Completion
Postfix completion allows you to keep typing forwards, it minimises the amount of time you spend moving the cursor around while you're coding.
Surround with


Surround with
Surround your code with common programming constructs
Creating code


Creating code
IntelliJ IDEA will help create code for you
Live Templates


Live Templates
Use Live Templates to auto-complete common code structures for you
Using regex


Using regex
Using language injection to work with Regex
Related problems


Related problems
Use IntelliJ IDEA's inlay hints to navigate to Related Problems
Using SQL


Using SQL
Using language injection to work with SQL
Gutter icons


Gutter icons
Information about your code in the gutter icons
Parameter information


Parameter information
Finding the parameter type
Problem window


Problem window
Problems tool window


Information about your code in the scrollbars
Clipboard history


Clipboard history
Paste a subset or multiple entries from your recent history
Extend Selection


Extend Selection
Extend and shrink selection
Go to Next Error


Go to Next Error
Quickly move to the next (or previous) error or warning in the file.
Inlay hints


Inlay hints
Inlay hints provide additional information about your code
Context Actions


Context Actions
Use Alt+Enter to show available context actions
Focus on your code


Focus on your code
Focus on your code window
Highlights of GoLand 2023.3


Highlights of GoLand 2023.3
Explore key features and enhancements in GoLand 2023.3.
Improve Code Readability and Navigation


Improve Code Readability and Navigation
Discover how to manage code visibility with code folding in Go
Create a function in another package


Create a function in another package
Type a non-existing function name and generate its implementation in a package of your choice
Empower your `Printf`-like functions with coding assistance


Empower your `Printf`-like functions with coding assistance
Provide hints and highlights for message formats in custom `Printf`-like functions
Use collection initializers


Use collection initializers
Update and initialize items in old collection declarations
Rename refactoring


Rename refactoring
Would a variable by any other name read as clearly?
Extract method refactoring


Extract method refactoring
Split and Organize code into DRY, discrete units.
Inline method refactoring


Inline method refactoring
Replace usages of a function with its implementation.
Solution-Wide Analysis


Solution-Wide Analysis
Find and resolve code issues in your projects.
Fixing Warnings and Errors

Part of tutorial

Fixing Warnings and Errors
Automatically resolve inspections using quick fixes.
Exploring Code Analysis Results

Part of tutorial

Exploring Code Analysis Results
Find code quality issues that matter and need your attention.
What is Solution-Wide Analysis?

Part of tutorial

What is Solution-Wide Analysis?
An introduction to Solution-Wide Analysis in ReSharper and Rider.
Creating Games With Unity - Scripting Logic With Rider


Creating Games With Unity - Scripting Logic With Rider
JetBrains Rider is the best scripting editor for Unity – let's find out why!
Creating Games With Unreal Editor and JetBrains Rider


Creating Games With Unreal Editor and JetBrains Rider
JetBrains Rider is the best scripting editor for Unity – let's find out why!
Debugging Unity games

Part of tutorial

Debugging Unity games
Suspend execution and inspect variables. Use pausepoints to visually inspect your scene.
Inspections and quick-fixes for Unity code

Part of tutorial

Inspections and quick-fixes for Unity code
Rider helps you write better code, faster.
Generate code

Part of tutorial

Generate code
Rider helps with boiler-plate code, code completion, and more.
Editing, code completion, inspections

Part of tutorial

Editing, code completion, inspections
Let's explore what the coding experience is like!
Keyboard shortcuts - Shift+Shift and Alt+Enter

Part of tutorial

Keyboard shortcuts - Shift+Shift and Alt+Enter
The two keyboard shortcuts that get you places!
Working with Blueprints

Part of tutorial

Working with Blueprints
Navigate back-and-forth between code an blueprints, find usages, ...
Design and Manage Scenes With RiderFlow


Design and Manage Scenes With RiderFlow
We'll walk you through the best tips for RiderFlow to help speed up your Unity development!
Getting Started with Rider for Unity

Part of tutorial

Getting Started with Rider for Unity
What is Rider? And how to start using it with Unity?
Adding assets to a scene

Part of tutorial

Adding assets to a scene
The scene view management toolbar can search assets that you can use in your scene.
Code Editing

Part of tutorial

Code Editing
Dive deeper into code with the smart editor in Unity!
Hierarchy, bookmarks and camera presets

Part of tutorial

Hierarchy, bookmarks and camera presets
Find your way through complex scenes.
Introducing RiderFlow

Part of tutorial

Introducing RiderFlow
What is RiderFlow? And where to find it?
Replace Assets

Part of tutorial

Replace Assets
Replace assets on your scene. It's like refactoring, but visually!
New Features in GoLand 2023.1


New Features in GoLand 2023.1
A selection of useful features from GoLand 2022.3.
Vulnerability checker


Vulnerability checker
Analyze your codebase and highlight known vulnerabilities in go.mod
Convert between different types of strings


Convert between different types of strings
Convert strings that are surrounded by backticks to double-quoted ones and vice-versa
Intention action to convert integers to strings


Intention action to convert integers to strings
Convert an integer to a string by using the `strconv.Itoa()` call
Create inspections with regular expressions


Create inspections with regular expressions
Use regular expressions to create your own search and replace inspections
Implement an interface


Implement an interface
Implement unexported interfaces by pressing Ctrl + I
Rename generic receivers along with a generic struct


Rename generic receivers along with a generic struct
Rename generic receivers along with a generic struct
C# 11 - Required Keyword


C# 11 - Required Keyword
Introducing the required keyword for fields and properties.
Duplicate lines


Duplicate lines
Duplicate the current line or a selected block
C# 11 - Raw strings


C# 11 - Raw strings
There is no escape!
Create New Files and Folders


Create New Files and Folders
Use the New popup to add files and folders faster.
Add New Dependencies


Add New Dependencies
WebStorm can help you add a new dependency.
Create Arrow Functions in One Click


Create Arrow Functions in One Click
WebStorm can help you add arrow functions to your code.
Convert to async Function


Convert to async Function
Quickly convert a function that returns a Promise to an async function.
Check CSS Properties


Check CSS Properties
How to review the related CSS docs in WebStorm.
Disable ESLint Rules for Current Line


Disable ESLint Rules for Current Line
How to temporarily disable an ESLint rule in WebStorm.
Explore Shortcuts the Easy Way


Explore Shortcuts the Easy Way
How to see all WebStorm's shortcuts.
Enable Font Ligatures


Enable Font Ligatures
How to use ligatures in your font in WebStorm.
Open New Projects Quickly


Open New Projects Quickly
How to use drag and drop to open a new project in WebStorm.
Improve Code Readability


Improve Code Readability
How to enable method separators to make it easier to read your code in WebStorm.
Remove Tags Faster


Remove Tags Faster
How to quickly remove HTML tags in WebStorm.
Replace with Template String


Replace with Template String
How to replace a regular string with a template literal in WebStorm.
Show CSS Color Preview


Show CSS Color Preview
How to display a CSS color in the background in WebStorm.
Simplify Boolean Expression


Simplify Boolean Expression
How to simplify a complex boolean expression in WebStorm.
See VCS Changed Lines In Gutter


See VCS Changed Lines In Gutter
Quickly spot which parts of your file have changed since the last commit.
Generate 'go.work' for a project


Generate 'go.work' for a project
Generate 'go.work' by using the context menu or a quick-fix with 'replace' directives
Generate tests for generic functions


Generate tests for generic functions
Use a shortcut to generate test files for your generic functions.
Integrated Go Playground


Integrated Go Playground
You can format and share your code, change the Go version, and run your code using the Go playground server.
Go doc comments in quick documentation


Go doc comments in quick documentation
Support for links, lists, and new headings in doc comments.
ASP.NET Basics for Experts


ASP.NET Basics for Experts
Layla Porter
Highlighted commands in the terminal


Highlighted commands in the terminal
IntelliJ IDEA highlights terminal commands you can run in IntelliJ IDEA
Inspections Widget


Inspections Widget
The top-right corner of your editor shows you information about the state of your class
View supertype and subtype hierarchy


View supertype and subtype hierarchy
You can view supertypes and subtypes in the hierarchy
Code Completion for the Stream API


Code Completion for the Stream API
IntelliJ IDEA can add the stream() call for us
Different viewing modes for your code


Different viewing modes for your code
IntelliJ IDEA has lots of different ways for you to view your code depending on your requirements
Convert empty interfaces to `any`


Convert empty interfaces to `any`
Check and replace empty interfaces that are used as types or type constraints.
Delete a type parameter with an empty parameter list


Delete a type parameter with an empty parameter list
Type parameters with empty parameter lists are reported as errors, but you have a quick-fix to put it right.
Quick Documentation


Quick Documentation
View documentation for any symbol without interrupting your workflow.
Navigate to the last edited location


Navigate to the last edited location
Move around the files you're working on quickly with keyboard shortcuts
Determining the return type of expression


Determining the return type of expression
Type Info is very helpful on a per-expression basis
Edit a document in IntelliJ IDEA LightEdit Mode


Edit a document in IntelliJ IDEA LightEdit Mode
Use IntelliJ IDEA’s text editing features without creating or opening a dedicated project.
Inject a language


Inject a language
Language injections let you work with pieces of code in other languages embedded in your code.
Pattern Matching for Switch


Pattern Matching for Switch
Available in preview from Java 17
Client-side templating with Mustache and HTMX

Part of tutorial

Client-side templating with Mustache and HTMX
Generate HTML on the client, based on JSON
HTMX cascading selects

Part of tutorial

HTMX cascading selects
One thing leads to another
HTMX state management

Part of tutorial

HTMX state management
Maintaining state across requests
Hello, HTMX!

Part of tutorial

Hello, HTMX!
No series is complete without a "Hello, World" sample
Typeahead search with HTMX

Part of tutorial

Typeahead search with HTMX
Live updates based on your search query
Infinite scrolling with HTMX

Part of tutorial

Infinite scrolling with HTMX
Streaming infinite content to your users

Part of tutorial

Giving context to HTMX
Polling to get recent updates

Part of tutorial

Polling to get recent updates
Retrieve updated information from the server
ASP.NET Core Razor TagHelpers for HTMX

Part of tutorial

ASP.NET Core Razor TagHelpers for HTMX
Simplify integration of HTMX in ASP.NET Core apps
Out-of-band swaps with HTMX

Part of tutorial

Out-of-band swaps with HTMX
Swap and replace any HTML element
Server-powered modals with HTMX

Part of tutorial

Server-powered modals with HTMX
Create modal dialogs on the server
Real-world shopping cart and conclusion

Part of tutorial

Real-world shopping cart and conclusion
See all HTMX techniques come together
Server-sent events for realtime updates

Part of tutorial

Server-sent events for realtime updates
Send messages to clients in realtime
Server-side validation, client-side feel

Part of tutorial

Server-side validation, client-side feel
Validate models on the server, display results on the client
Tabs, tabs, and more tabs with HTMX

Part of tutorial

Tabs, tabs, and more tabs with HTMX
Asynchronous rendering of tabs on the server
What is HTMX?

Part of tutorial

What is HTMX?
Understanding the spirit of the HTMX library
Shortcut keys for web applications

Part of tutorial

Shortcut keys for web applications
Add keyboard shortcuts to make your web an app
New Line


New Line
Start a new line below or above your current line with the correct indentation.
In editor doc rendering


In editor doc rendering
You can render Javadocs directly in the editor including HTML tags, images and links.
Resolve Merge Conflicts in VCS


Resolve Merge Conflicts in VCS
Use VCS options in IntelliJ IDEA to resolve merge conflicts visually in the editor
Fill Paragraph for Go Comments


Fill Paragraph for Go Comments
Ensure that comments have the width you like.
Write SQL queries using popular database packages


Write SQL queries using popular database packages
Work with SQL queries and get completion and other features automatically.
Declare a targeted Go version in go.mod


Declare a targeted Go version in go.mod
The IDE is aware of targeted Go versions
Improved display of attached projects


Improved display of attached projects
Work with multiple projects at once from the same IDE window
Quick documentation for keys in Dockerfiles and docker-compose.yaml files


Quick documentation for keys in Dockerfiles and docker-compose.yaml files
Learn about what the keys mean, find out how to use them, or what values they accept
Go 1.17: Convert slice to array pointer


Go 1.17: Convert slice to array pointer
With Go 1.17, it is possible to covert a slice to an array pointer
Load go.mod changes manually


Load go.mod changes manually
Take control of when go.mod files are refreshed
Create a Scratch file from selection


Create a Scratch file from selection
Create scratches faster and get the contents you want to test pre-populated
Remove empty scratches automatically


Remove empty scratches automatically
Let the IDE handle the cleanup after testing your ideas
Run gofmt after the builtin formatter


Run gofmt after the builtin formatter
Ensure that your code is always formatted with gofmt.
Select the builtin Terminal cursor shape


Select the builtin Terminal cursor shape
Make the terminal your own, with the cursor shape you want
Detect unused dependencies in go.mod files


Detect unused dependencies in go.mod files
Cleanup go.mod files and keep them lean
Live Template for arrow function


Live Template for arrow function
Create arrow functions quicker thanks to builtin customizable templates
Support for TypeScript types in JSDoc


Support for TypeScript types in JSDoc
Give the IDE new powers thanks to TypeScript-based types
Reload browser pages on save


Reload browser pages on save
Work on your frontend then switch to the browser to see how it looks like
Join Lines


Join Lines
Join lines of code together
Paste a clipboard image file into markdown


Paste a clipboard image file into markdown
You can paste a PNG image from the clipboard directly into a markdown file
Paste a clipboard image onto the Project Window


Paste a clipboard image onto the Project Window
If you have an image on your clipboard you can paste it straight into the Project Window
Smart Completion


Smart Completion
Get type aware completion in your code
Continuous Testing


Continuous Testing
Run your tests in the background, while you code.
Preview Source Code


Preview Source Code
Introduce variables the way you like!
Quickly Check Symbol Type


Quickly Check Symbol Type
Here's how to get information about the type of a symbol.
Generate Overrides for equals(), hashCode() and toString()


Generate Overrides for equals(), hashCode() and toString()
We can generate the code to override the equals and hashCode methods
Add new fields to struct types from JSON


Add new fields to struct types from JSON
Add new fields in your API objects with a copy-paste
Add keys to struct field tags


Add keys to struct field tags
Quickly add JSON, XML, or custom keys to all struct fields
Change struct tag style


Change struct tag style
Quickly change from different styles the struct tags
Create missing struct types with all fields


Create missing struct types with all fields
Prototype your code then worry about creating the types
Support for go:embed directive


Support for go:embed directive
Embed files and folders into your binaries with no external tool
Convert JSON to Go types via copy-paste


Convert JSON to Go types via copy-paste
Converting a JSON response to a Go type has never been faster than this
Quickly handle errors in Go


Quickly handle errors in Go
Handling errors is essential in any application
Embracing gRPC in .NET


Embracing gRPC in .NET
Irina Scurtu
Evaluate JSON Path expressions


Evaluate JSON Path expressions
Use IntelliJ IDEA to check if your JSON Path expression are correct.
Convert from Record


Convert from Record
Use quick intentions to convert a record to a class
Convert class to record


Convert class to record
Use inspections to convert classes to Java 16 records
Code Formatting

Part of tutorial

Code Formatting
Format and reformat code for consistency in your solution.
Additional Tools

Part of tutorial

Additional Tools
There's more in ReSharper! Architecture diagrams, localization manager, build tools, ...

Part of tutorial

Introduction to the ReSharper Essentials series.
Shortcuts, Editing and Code Completion

Part of tutorial

Shortcuts, Editing and Code Completion
Let's dive into the most important productivity shortcuts, editing, and code completion.
Add Remaining Branches in Kotlin


Add Remaining Branches in Kotlin
Use quick intentions to generate code automatically
Adjust Code Style


Adjust Code Style
Use quick intentions to adjust your code
Add Names to Call Arguments in Kotlin


Add Names to Call Arguments in Kotlin
Use quick intentions to add names to call arguments
Copy to, or create a Scratch File


Copy to, or create a Scratch File
Scratch files persist across all versions of IntelliJ IDEA
Create an Editor Fold


Create an Editor Fold
Create an editor fold to hide parts of your class
Find Next Word


Find Next Word
Find next word and highlight all instances
Kotlin Code Completion


Kotlin Code Completion
Use code and statement completion to write code faster
Move Line


Move Line
Move a line throughout your class
Create New Class


Create New Class
Quickly add new classes to your project
Put Kotlin Arguments on Separate Lines


Put Kotlin Arguments on Separate Lines
Use quick intentions to improve the readability of your code
Remove Explicit Type in Kotlin


Remove Explicit Type in Kotlin
Use quick intentions to remove explicit types
Run in Current Context


Run in Current Context
Run just a file or a script
Show Virtual Whitespace


Show Virtual Whitespace
Add virtual whitespace to the bottom of a file
Highlight code and surround it with brackets or quotes


Highlight code and surround it with brackets or quotes
Surround code with brackets and quotes
Better time format in completion


Better time format in completion
Use the commonly known date/time formatting strings while writing time formatting in Go
Go 1.16: retract directive


Go 1.16: retract directive
Retract specific versions of your modules
Live Template to create a for loop in benchmark functions


Live Template to create a for loop in benchmark functions
Benchmark loops are repetitive, so let the IDE handle this for you
Live Template to write benchmark function


Live Template to write benchmark function
Write benchmarks quicker thanks to the builtin bench live template.
Live Template to create test function


Live Template to create test function
Write tests faster thanks to the builtin func Test live template.
Perform simple math in Search Everywhere


Perform simple math in Search Everywhere
Quickly perform simple math operations from the comfort of your IDE.
Tailwind CSS support


Tailwind CSS support
Enjoy working with Tailwind CSS from the comfort of your IDE.
Detect variable shadowing while writing Go code


Detect variable shadowing while writing Go code
Easily spot where you shadow variables that you did not intend to
Support for Vue.js 3


Support for Vue.js 3
Upgrade to using the latest Vue.js version knowing your IDE will be there to help you.
Coding Assistance

Part of tutorial

Coding Assistance
Find out how Rider helps you write better code, faster.
Adding Fields To a Struct


Adding Fields To a Struct
Let your IDE add constructor arguments to your instance.
Add Line After/Before


Add Line After/Before
Smart-add a line, from the middle of a line, after or before the current line.
Generate Imports While Typing


Generate Imports While Typing
Avoid interruption by letting GoLand generate your imports as you type.
Install and import


Install and import
While typing a symbol, let GoLand install it and generate the import.
Move Block Up/Down Using Keyboard


Move Block Up/Down Using Keyboard
Use the keyboard to move a line or selection up or down in your file.
Quick Documentation


Quick Documentation
View arguments and documentation without interrupting your flow.
Split Screen Without Tabs


Split Screen Without Tabs
Get your code and tests side-by-side without using tabs.
.NET Localization


.NET Localization
Localization and the art of reaching more users
Localization Basics

Part of tutorial

Localization Basics
Working with Cultures, Resources, & Apps
Localizing ASP.NET Applications

Part of tutorial

Localizing ASP.NET Applications
Working with Cultures, Resources, & ASP.NET
Add Carets to End of Lines


Add Carets to End of Lines
Use a shortcut to add carets at the end of each selected line.
Create New Type Alias


Create New Type Alias
Use a code refactoring to swiftly create a new type alias.
Extract Ruleset


Extract Ruleset
Use an intention to quickly extract a ruleset in your stylesheet file.
Make JSDoc Comments More Readable


Make JSDoc Comments More Readable
Render documentation comments right in the editor.

Part of tutorial

Introduction to the Rider Essentials series.
NuGet Tool Window in Rider

Part of tutorial

NuGet Tool Window in Rider
Working with NuGet, including search with typos, CamelHumps, Update All, and more!
Shortcuts, Editing, and Completion in Rider

Part of tutorial

Shortcuts, Editing, and Completion in Rider
Where to start? Let's learn the two most important shortcuts, editing, and code completion.
Get Help with Random Data


Get Help with Random Data
Let the Randomness plugin generate some data for you.
Extract Type Alias


Extract Type Alias
Learn how to extract a type alias in your TypeScript code.
Check Documentation in JavaScript


Check Documentation in JavaScript
Hover over a symbol or use a shortcut to quickly review documentation.
Check Browser Compatibility in CSS


Check Browser Compatibility in CSS
Let WebStorm warn you about unsupported CSS properties.
Move Elements Left and Right


Move Elements Left and Right
Quickly swap functions parameters, attributes in tags, and more.
Using Surround With


Using Surround With
Learn how to surround items with braces, brackets, or quotation marks in JSON.
Switch CSS Color Format on the Fly


Switch CSS Color Format on the Fly
Converting from HEX to RGB and other formats can be done real quick with WebStorm.
Autocomplete Django Settings Strings


Autocomplete Django Settings Strings
Use autocomplete when typing a string in the apps section of your settings file.
Complete Current Statement


Complete Current Statement
Add trailing commas or braces and move the cursor with a single keystroke
Change Quote Style for CSS


Change Quote Style for CSS
Configure whether double or single quotes should be used.
Select Code Fragment


Select Code Fragment
Select a code fragment without a single click.
Complete Current Statement


Complete Current Statement
Add curly braces and move the cursor with a single keystroke.
Working with Scratch Files


Working with Scratch Files
Create scratches to make notes or work with code outside of the project context.
Deleting Lines


Deleting Lines
Delete a line of code without using the mouse.
Duplicating Lines


Duplicating Lines
Duplicate a line of code with a shortcut.
Fix Code Formatting


Fix Code Formatting
Learn how to fix code formatting on the fly.
Moving Lines in JSON


Moving Lines in JSON
Get help with commas when moving lines up and down in JSON.
Using Language Injections


Using Language Injections
Swiftly inject a piece of code in a different language.
Putting Several Lines Together


Putting Several Lines Together
Quickly join lines or blocks of code.
Get Completion for Libraries from CDN


Get Completion for Libraries from CDN
Find out how to get completion suggestions for libraries like Bootstrap.
Paste Recent Items


Paste Recent Items
Access your clipboard history and add any items from there to your code.
Preview Images


Preview Images
Preview images on the go from the Project view.
Review Errors in Code


Review Errors in Code
WebStorm shows all errors and warnings in your file.
See All Available Refactorings in One Place


See All Available Refactorings in One Place
Use the Refactor This popup to look up all refactorings available in the current context.
Deleting File Safely


Deleting File Safely
Learn how to delete a file safely.
Renaming Files


Renaming Files
Rename a file to make it match the name of a class.
Syntax Highlighting for Other Languages


Syntax Highlighting for Other Languages
Look through PHP, Python, and other files in WebStorm.
Add Reminders to Fix Something


Add Reminders to Fix Something
Add a TODO or Fixme comment to remind yourself of fixing something in your code.
See Information about Packages


See Information about Packages
Check the description and the latest version of a package in package.json.
Avoid Property Mixup


Avoid Property Mixup
WebStorm helps avoid mixing up properties.
Compute Constant Values


Compute Constant Values
Let WebStorm do math for you.
Convert to Arrow Function


Convert to Arrow Function
Quickly convert a function to a variable holding an arrow function.
Quickly Look Up Parameters


Quickly Look Up Parameters
Get help when completing function parameters.
Move Function to File


Move Function to File
Extract a function into a separate file.
Rename Closing Tag


Rename Closing Tag
Let the IDE mirror changes to a tag name.
Introducing Variables


Introducing Variables
Introduce variables the way you like!
Expand/Shrink Selection


Expand/Shrink Selection
One more chance to leave your mouse aside!
Occurrence Selection


Occurrence Selection
Poor man’s manipulation to the rescue!
Compare with clipboard


Compare with clipboard
Compare text, files or directories and even use the clipboard contents
Custom Structure tags


Custom Structure tags
Add custom tags to any fields from structures
Expanding/shrinking selection


Expanding/shrinking selection
Select portions of code that you need to, faster
Generate a test for an element


Generate a test for an element
Automate test generation
Implement an interface


Implement an interface
Implementing an interface is a common task that Go programmers need to do
Paste from history


Paste from history
Paste from the clipboard even if it's not the last item you copied into it
Select all occurrences in a file


Select all occurrences in a file
Quickly select all occurrences of a piece of text in the current file
Speed typing


Speed typing
Quickly navigate to or filter any list of items in the IDE
Switch to the editor


Switch to the editor
Get the focus back to the editor regardless what is currently focused
Structure tags


Structure tags
Quickly add tags to any fields from structures
Cleanup Namespaces


Cleanup Namespaces
Fix all unused namespaces right from where you are!
Formatting code in columns


Formatting code in columns
Easily read common code in column-style layout!
Iterating Collections


Iterating Collections
There's no faster way to iterate!
C# 8 Support


C# 8 Support
Master all the C# 8 language features!
JSON schema support


JSON schema support
The best way to work with JSON and YAML files!
Move Code


Move Code
Move code the smart way!
Settings Layers


Settings Layers
Save settings to the scope you need them!
Search Anywhere


Search Anywhere
Start typing anywhere to search!
Unity Support


Unity Support
Write smarter C# for Unity!
Editing Tips & Tricks


Editing Tips & Tricks
Know everything there is to know about editing code.
Code Completion in Language Injections


Code Completion in Language Injections
See how to use code completion inside strings and other places
Completion for non-imported Go Modules


Completion for non-imported Go Modules
Import a module even if it was imported or used in your project
Completion with the Tab key


Completion with the Tab key
A small, but handy feature that makes it a little easier to complete symbol names.
Exclude items from auto-imports and completion


Exclude items from auto-imports and completion
Exclude certain paths from auto-import and completion
View Parameter Info


View Parameter Info
Quickly see function arguments and argument types.
42 Tips and Tricks


42 Tips and Tricks
Become an IDE champ with these bite-sized tips and tricks.
Split Screen Without Tabs


Split Screen Without Tabs
Get your code and tests side-by-side without resorting to tabs.
Run From Keyboard


Run From Keyboard
Use the keyboard to select and run a run configuration.
Enable vim keybindings with IdeaVim plugin


Enable vim keybindings with IdeaVim plugin
Use the same keybindings from vim with a PlugIn
Rename a File and Its References


Rename a File and Its References
Change your mind on a file name and the IDE makes all the changes for you.
Rename Symbol


Rename Symbol
Change a variable name, class name, or other symbol, across the project.
Move Block Up/Down Using Keyboard


Move Block Up/Down Using Keyboard
Use the keyboard to move a line or selection up or down in your file.
View Parameter Info


View Parameter Info
Quickly see function arguments and argument types.
Quick Documentation


Quick Documentation
View arguments and documentation without interrupting your flow.
Make and Extend Selection Using Keyboard


Make and Extend Selection Using Keyboard
Use the keyboard to select blocks of code then extend/shrink the selection.
Add Line After/Before


Add Line After/Before
Smart-add a line, from the middle of a line, after or before the current line.
Generate Imports While Typing


Generate Imports While Typing
Avoid interruption by letting PyCharm generate your imports as you type.
Parsed f-string expressions


Parsed f-string expressions
Bracket completion and syntax highlighting for f-string evaluated expressions.
LiveEdit HTML and CSS


LiveEdit HTML and CSS
With the LiveEdit plugin, open HTML and CSS in Chrome, over HTTP, and see updates as you save.
One Import Per Line Preference


One Import Per Line Preference
Tell PyCharm to put each import on a separate line when it cleans up your imports.
Better Autocomplete Results in Angular Templates


Better Autocomplete Results in Angular Templates
Narrow the universe of Angular template completions to those that matter.