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Highlights of GoLand 2023.3


Highlights of GoLand 2023.3
Explore key features and enhancements in GoLand 2023.3.
Create a Function in Another Package


Create a Function in Another Package
Type a non-existing function name and generate its implementation in a package of your choice.
Empower your `Printf`-like functions with coding assistance


Empower your `Printf`-like functions with coding assistance
Provide hints and highlights for message formats in custom `Printf`-like functions.
New Features in GoLand 2023.1


New Features in GoLand 2023.1
A selection of useful features from GoLand 2022.3.
Check for Vulnerabilities


Check for Vulnerabilities
Analyze your codebase and highlight known vulnerabilities in go.mod
Intention Action to Convert Integers to Strings


Intention Action to Convert Integers to Strings
Convert an integer to a string by using the `strconv.Itoa()` call
Convert Between Different Types of Strings


Convert Between Different Types of Strings
Convert strings that are surrounded by backticks to double-quoted ones and vice-versa
Create Inspections with Regular Expressions


Create Inspections with Regular Expressions
Use regular expressions to create your own search and replace inspections.
Implement an Interface


Implement an Interface
How to implement unexported interfaces.
Rename Generic Receivers Along with a Generic Struct


Rename Generic Receivers Along with a Generic Struct
Get refactoring support when you rename a generic struct.
New Features in GoLand 2022.3


New Features in GoLand 2022.3
A selection of useful features from GoLand 2022.3.
New Features in GoLand 2022.2


New Features in GoLand 2022.2
A selection of useful features from GoLand 2022.2.
Rename Constants That Use Reserved Names


Rename Constants That Use Reserved Names
Rename a constant if it uses a name of a built-in constant.
Group Multiple `use` Directives in `go.work`


Group Multiple `use` Directives in `go.work`
Merge multiple `use` directives in `go.work` into one directive.
Delete a Type Parameter with an Empty Parameter List


Delete a Type Parameter with an Empty Parameter List
Type parameters with empty parameter lists are reported as errors, but you have a quick-fix in GoLand to put it right.