

Python static site generator for documentation and more

Sphinx is the long-used tool in the Python community and beyond for richly-organized documentation. It helps power Read The Docs.

Static Sites With Sphinx and Markdown


Static Sites With Sphinx and Markdown
Sphinx is great for docs. But it's also great for information-rich websites. With MyST, you can use Markdown with Sphinx.
Simple Markdown in Sphinx

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Simple Markdown in Sphinx
Markdown is a simple formatting language. Let's see it in use in Sphinx.
Advanced Usage

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Advanced Usage
MyST has a lot more to offer than just Markdown-in-Sphinx.
Customizing Your Site

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Customizing Your Site
Adjust Sphinx knobs using the configuration file.
Documenting Code

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Documenting Code
Pages which include source code, either directly or linking to modules.
Making a New Site Design

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Making a New Site Design
Let's change the look on the website with custom templates.

Part of tutorial

Sphinx turns links into structure, which turns out to be very valuable.
More Authoring

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More Authoring
Simple Markdown stuff is cool. The cool Markdown stuff is double cool.
Linking Between Sites with Intersphinx

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Linking Between Sites with Intersphinx
Rich structure and linking, between sites.
Sphinx Setup

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Sphinx Setup
Make a project and virtual environment with dependencies, then make a simple Sphinx website.