CLion 2021.1 Help

Basic editing

FunctionShortcutUse this shortcut to...
EnterEnterDepending on the context:
  • In a lookup list: select an item.

  • In the editor: enter a new line and set the caret at its beginning.

TabTabIn the editor:
  • With selection: indent selected lines.

  • Without selection: insert a tab symbol (or corresponding number of space characters).

In a lookup list:
  • No code after the caret: select an item.

  • Some code after the caret: select an item and substitute the code after the caret with it.

DeleteDeleteDepending on the context:
  • In the editor: delete selected symbol/block.

  • In a usage view: exclude a selected item.

  • In other views: remove selected items.

BackspaceBackspaceDelete a character to the left of the caret.
UndoCtrl+ZUndo last operation.
RedoCtrl+Shift+ZRedo last undone operation.
CutCtrl+XCut a current line or a selected code block to the Clipboard.
CopyCtrl+CCopy a current line or a selected code block to the Clipboard.
PasteCtrl+VPaste from the Clipboard to the caret location.
Paste from HistoryCtrl+Shift+VPaste selected entry from the Clipboard to the caret location.
UpUpMove the caret one line up.
Up with SelectionShift+UpMove the caret one line up selecting the text.
DownDownMove the caret one line down.
Down with SelectionShift+DownMove the caret one line down selecting the text.
LeftLeftMove the caret one character to the left.
Left with SelectionShift+LeftMove the caret one character to the left selecting the text.
RightRightMove the caret one character to the right.
Right with SelectionShift+RightMove the caret one character to the right selecting the text.
Go to Page BottomCtrl+Page DownMove the caret down to the page bottom.
Go to Page Bottom with SelectionCtrl+Shift+Page DownMove the caret down to the page bottom, selecting the text.
Go to Page TopCtrl+Page UpMove the caret up to the page top.
Go to Page Top with SelectionCtrl+Shift+Page UpMove the caret up to the page bottom, selecting the text.
Page DownPage DownMove the caret one page down.
Page Down with SelectionShift+Page DownMove the caret one page down, selecting the text.
Page UpPage UpMove the caret one page up.
Page Up with SelectionShift+Page UpMove the caret one page up, selecting the text.
Scroll DownCtrl+DownScroll the text one line down.
Scroll to CenterCtrl+MScroll a line at caret to the center of the screen.
Scroll UpCtrl+UpScroll the text one line up.
Move to Line EndEndMove the caret to the end of line.
Move to Line End with SelectionShift+EndMove the caret to the end of line, selecting the text.
Move to Line StartHomeMove the caret to the beginning of line.
Move to Line Start with SelectionShift+HomeMove the caret to the beginning of line, selecting the text.
Move to Next WordCtrl+RightMove the caret to the next word.
Move to Next Word with SelectionCtrl+Shift+RightMove the caret to the next word, selecting it.
Move to Previous WordCtrl+LeftMove the caret to the previous word.
Move to Previous Word with SelectionCtrl+Shift+LeftMove the caret to the previous word, selecting it.
Move to Text EndCtrl+EndMove the caret to the end of text.
Move to Text End with SelectionCtrl+Shift+EndMove the caret to the end of text, selecting it.
Move to Text StartCtrl+HomeMove the caret to the beginning of text.
Move to Text Start with Selection.Ctrl+Shift+HomeMove the caret to the beginning of text, selecting it.
Select AllCtrl+ASelect the entire text opened in the editor.
Delete Line at CaretCtrl+YDelete the line where the caret is currently located.
Delete to Word EndCtrl+DeleteDelete the word starting from the current caret location up to the word end.
Delete to Word StartCtrl+BackspaceDelete the word starting from the current caret location up to the word start.
Toggle Insert/OverwriteInsertToggle insert/overwrite modes.
Duplicate Line or BlockCtrl+DDuplicate selected block or the line at the caret.
Toggle CaseCtrl+Shift+UToggle case of the selected text block.
Move to Code Block EndCtrl+]Move the caret to the current code block end, highlighting the block limits.
Move to Code Block End with SelectionCtrl+Shift+]Move the caret to the current code block end, selecting the code beginning from the initial caret location.
Move to Code Block StartCtrl+[Move the caret to the current code block start, highlighting the block limits.
Move to Code Block Start with SelectionCtrl+Shift+[Move the caret to the current code block start, selecting the code beginning from the initial caret location.
Start New LineShift+EnterStart a new line after the current one positioning the caret in accordance with the current indentation level.
Start New Line Before Current OneCtrl+Alt+EnterStart a new line before the current one.
Join LinesCtrl+Shift+JConcatenate the selected lines into one or concatenate the line where the caret is currently located with the next line.
Split LineCtrl+EnterSplit the selected line at the point where the caret is located, leaving the caret at the end of the first line.
Select Word at CaretCtrl+WSelect successively increasing code blocks starting from the current caret location.
Unselect Word at CaretCtrl+Shift+WRemove sequentially the selection made by the action.
Indent SelectionTabMove the selected block to the next indentation level.
Unindent SelectionShift+TabMove the selected block to the previous indentation level.
Auto-Indent LinesCtrl+Alt+IIndent the current line or selected block according to the Code Style settings.
Last modified: 08 March 2021