Settings / Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Gradle
Use this page to configure the Gradle project settings.
Item | Description |
Gradle user home | Use this field to specify the location of stored Gradle caches, downloaded files, and so on. If Gradle location has been defined by the environment variables If the Gradle location has not been deduced from the environment variables, specify it manually, or click CLion also supports the custom Gradle location installed from the homebrew package manager. |
Gradle projects | This area contains the list of registered Gradle projects that are linked to your CLion project. |
Download external annotations for dependencies | When this checkbox is selected, CLion downloads a file with a set of external annotations from the JetBrains public repository. |
Gradle | |
Use Gradle from | Use this list to configure a Gradle version for your project. You can select one of the following options:
Gradle JVM | Use this field to specify the JVM under which CLion will run Gradle when you import the specified Gradle project and when you execute its tasks. The default is set to your project JDK. |