CLion 2021.2 Help

Edit Template Variables dialog

If a live template contains user-defined variables, you can use the Edit Template Variables dialog to configure expressions that define those variables.





In this field, view or edit the variable name in the format $<variable_name>$.


In this field, specify the expression to have the value of the corresponding template input field calculated automatically.

This expression may contain the following constructs:

  • String constants in double quotes

  • Names of other variables defined in a live template

  • Predefined functions with possible arguments

Type an expression manually or select a predefined function from the list. The list shows also the number and type of parameters, if any, for the selected function. The available functions are listed alphabetically in the Functions table.

Default value

In this field, specify the default string to be entered in the corresponding input field of the expanded template, if the expression does not give any result after calculation.

Note that a default value of a variable is an expression that can refer to other live template variables. To define the default value as a literal, enclose it in quotation marks.

Skip if defined

Select this checkbox to have CLion proceed with the next input field, if the value of the current input field is defined.

Move Up / Move Down

Use these buttons to change the order of variables in the list. The order of variables in the table determines the order in which CLion will switch between the corresponding input fields when the template is expanded.

Functions used in live template variables




Provides the variants of type deduction in range-base for loops:

Auto type deduction for a loop interator


Returns the characters that indicate the end of a block comment in the current language context.


Returns the characters that indicate the start of a block comment in the current language context.


Converts a string into camelCase.

For example, camelCase("my-text-file"), camelCase("my text file"), and camelCase("my_text_file") all return myTextFile.


Capitalizes the first letter of a string.

For example, capitalize("name") returns Name. Or you can combine it into capitalize(camelCase("my awesome class")) to get MyAwesomeClass.


Capitalizes all the letters of a string, and inserts an underscore between the parts.

For example, capitalizeAndUnderscore("FooBar"), capitalizeAndUnderscore("foo bar"), and capitalizeAndUnderscore("foo-bar") all return FOO_BAR.


Returns the name of the current class (where you expand the template). Can be useful for constructor templates.


Returns the contents of the system clipboard.


Removes _list and plural ending (s).


Returns the characters that indicate the end of a comment in the current language context. For languages with line comments, the return value is empty.


Returns the characters that indicate the start of a comment in the current language context. For languages with line comments, the return value is the start of a line comment, same as lineCommentStart().


Invokes code completion at the position of the variable.


Invokes smart type completion at the position of the variable.

concat(<String>, ...)

Returns a concatenation of all the strings passed to the function as parameters.

For example, concat(date()," ",user()) returns the current system date and username separated with a space.


Returns the current system date.

By default, without a parameter, it returns the date in the current system format. To use a different format, provide a parameter according to the SimpleDateFormat specification. For example, the date("Y-MM-d, E, H:m") returns the date formatted as 2020-02-27, Thu, 16:11.


Returns a list of columns for a table or a view. The dbColumns() is used in context live templates (for example, ins). You can access context live templates by right-clicking an object and selecting SQL Scripts.


Returns a name of a table or a view. The dbObjectName() is used in context live templates (for example, top). You can access context live templates by right-clicking an object and selecting SQL Scripts.


Replaces the first letter of a string with the corresponding lowercase letter.

For example, decapitalize("Name") returns name.

enum(<String>, ...)

Returns a list of strings suggested for completion when the template expands.

For example, enum("Foo","Bar","Baz") shows a list from which you can choose one of the specified strings.


Escapes special characters so that the result can be used in a Java string.

For example, it replaces the tab character with \t, the newline character with \n, escapes the backslash as \\, quotes as \", and so on.


Returns the name of the current method using the sel_getName(_cmd) function.


Returns the string format specifier for the object which is passed as a parameter of this function.


Returns the names of collections and enumerations available in the current scope.

For an example, see the each live template in the Objectibe-C group. The function is available for Objective-C only.


Returns the name of the current file with its extension.


Returns the name of the current file without its extension.


Returns the absolute path to the current file.


Returns the current file path relative to the current project. To check what the relative path is for a given file, right-click it and select Copy Reference, or press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C.


Returns the first word of the string passed as the parameter.

For example, firstWord("one two three") returns one.


Returns the characters that indicate the start of a line comment in the current language context.


Returns the current line number.


Converts a string into lower case and inserts n-dashes as separators. For example, lowercaseAndDash("MyExampleName") and lowercaseAndDash("my example name") both return my-example-name.


Returns the name of the method in which the template expands.

objectWithFunctions(sFunctionName1, sFunctionName2,...)

Returns the list of visible objects that contain member functions, listed as parameters.


Returns the name of the current Python function.

regularExpression(<String>, <Pattern>, <Replacement>)

Finds all occurrences of Pattern in a String and replaces them with Replacement. You can specify the pattern as a regular expression to find everything that matches it in the string.


Declares the left-side variable with a type of the right-side expression.

Some predefined templates in the iterations group use the rightSideType() function to have a single template for both raw types and generic types.


Returns the parameter details when adding a parameter to a function or method.


Converts a string into snake_case. For example, snakeCase("fooBar") and snakeCase("foo bar") both return foo_bar.


Returns the specified string with spaces as separators. For example, spaceSeparated("fooBar") returns foo Bar and spaceSeparated("Foo_BAR") returns Foo BAR.


Replaces spaces with underscores in the string passed as the parameter. For example, spacesToUnderscores("foo bar BAZ") returns foo_bar_BAZ.

substringBefore(<String>, <Delimeter>)

Returns the substring up to the specified delimiter. This is helpful for removing the extensions in test file names. For example, substringBefore(fileName(),".") returns component-test if used in a file named component-test.js.


Returns a suggested name for the index variable in an iteration from most commonly used ones: i, j, k, and so on (the first one that is not used in the current scope).

Some of the predefined templates in the iterations group (fori, itar, ritar) use the suggestIndexName() function to suggest a suitable index variable name.


Suggests the name for a variable based on the variable type and its initializer expression, according to your code style settings that refer to the variable naming rules.

For example, if it is a variable that holds an element within an iteration, CLion makes a guess on the most reasonable name taking into account the name of the iterated container. Some of the predefined templates in the iterations group (itar, itco, iten) use the suggestVariableName() function to suggest a suitable variable name for iterated elements.


Returns the current system time.

By default, without a parameter, it returns the time in the current system format. To use a different format, provide a parameter according to the SimpleDateFormat specification. For example, the time("H:m z") returns the time formatted as 13:10 UTC.


Transforms a string with underscores (like snake_case) into camelCase. For example, underscoresToCamelCase(foo_bar_baz) and underscoresToCamelCase(FOO_BaR_baZ) both return fooBarBaz.


Transforms underscores in a string to spaces. For example, underscoresToSpaces(foo_bar_baz) returns foo bar baz and underscoresToSpaces(FOO_BaR_baZ) returns FOO BaR baZ.


Returns the name of the current user.


Returns a variable that is an instance of the object used as a range expression in a loop.


Returns a variables that is an instance of the object that contains begin and end functions.


Returns all variables that may be assigned to the type passed as the parameter. For example,.

If you pass an empty string "" as the parameter, the function suggests all variables regardless of their types.

Last modified: 23 September 2021