To import data from a script file, run the file as it is described in Run database code. In addition to script files, you can import a CSV, TSV, or any other text file that contains delimiter-separated values.
Import data to a database
In the Database tool window (View | Tool Windows | Database), right-click a data source.
Select Run SQL Script.
In the Select Path window, navigate to the SQL file that you want to apply.
To see other options of how you can run an SQL file against a database, see Run database code.
Import delimiter-separated values into a database
In the Database tool window (View | Tool Windows | Database), right-click a schema or a table and select Import Data from File.
Navigate to the file that contains delimiter-separated values and double-click it.
In the Import {0} File dialog, specify the data conversion settings and click Import.
To mark the first row as a header, right-click the row in the Data Preview pane and select First Row Is Header.
If you drag a file into a schema or carry out the Import from File command for a schema, CLion creates a new table for the data that you import. If you perform the same actions for an existing table, CLion adds the data to that table.
Restore a full data dump for MySQL and PostgreSQL
You can restore data dumps by means of the mysql
client utility for MySQL, or pg_restore or psql for PostgreSQL. The pg_restore option is used for custom-format pg_dump -Fc
or directory-format pg_dump -Fd
dumps. The psql option is used for SQL-format dumps.
If you see no restore options in the context menu, verify that you use a correct JDBC URL for the data source.
In the Database tool window (View | Tool Windows | Database), right-click a schema or a database and navigate to:
Restore with "mysql": for MySQL data sources. In the Path to mysql field, specify the path to the MySQL executable (for example, C:
\Soft ).\mysql-8.0.19-winx64 \bin \mysql.exe Restore with "pg_restore": for PostgreSQL data sources. The pg_restore option is available for the most of database objects except for the data source level.
Restore with "psql": for PostgreSQL data sources. The psql option is available for the most of database objects except for table and schema levels.
Restore: for PostgreSQL data sources. Includes two tabs: pg_restore and psql.
In the Restore with <dump_tool> dialog, specify the path to the restore tool executable in the Path to <dump_tool> field.
(Optional) Edit the command-line options in the lower part of the dialog.
Click Run.
For PostgreSQL, you can use Restore with "pg_restore" on a table level.