CLion 2021.3 Help

Remote with the thin client

In this development mode, a powerful remote machine is used to execute all IDE operations and build, run, and debug your code. The IDE itself is running on a thin local client.

A remote host is a physical or virtual machine hosting the source code and running a headless CLion instance to perform most of the IDE functions. A thin local client, for example, a laptop, connects to the server and is used for actual development.

JetBrains Gateway is used as an entry point to connect to a remote server via SSH. It launches JetBrains Client, which is a thin client that enables you to work with your remote project.

You can use one of the following ways to launch JetBrains Gateway:


The licensing of remote with the chin client is handled on the local machine and is covered by your existing active IDE license. No license information is passed to or saved on the remote server. You can start the IDE backend without entering the license information since JetBrains Gateway is a free utility application.

The license will be checked when you connect to the launched IDE backend. Product in the license on your local machine should match the remote backend IDE. In this context nothing is changed from the way how the regular local CLion is handling the licensing.

Last modified: 06 December 2021