Last modified: 21 July 2022File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger | Stepping for Windows and Linux
CLion | Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger | Stepping for macOS
Use this page to improve the debug stepping speed and specify the elements to be skipped while stepping.
Always do smart step into | By default, this checkbox is selected and Smart Step Into is invoked automatically when you invoke Step Into F7 in a line that contains multiple method calls. After that, you can select the call to step into. If this checkbox is cleared, you can choose between Step Into F7 or Smart Step Into Shift+F7. | ||||||||||||||||||
Do not step into library scripts | Select this checkbox to suppress stepping into library scripts while debugging. | ||||||||||||||||||
Do not step into scripts | Select this checkbox to suppress stepping into certain scripts while debugging. Use the toolbar buttons to manage the list of scripts to be skipped.
Always do smart step into | By default, this checkbox is selected and Smart Step Into is invoked automatically when you invoke Step Into F7 in a line that contains multiple method calls. After that, you can select the call to step into. If this checkbox is cleared, you can choose between Step Into F7 or Smart Step Into Shift+F7. | ||||||||||||||||||
Do not step into library scripts | Select this checkbox to suppress stepping into library scripts while debugging. | ||||||||||||||||||
Do not step into scripts | Select this checkbox to suppress stepping into certain scripts while debugging. Use the toolbar buttons to manage the list of scripts to be skipped.
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Always do smart step into | This option is set by default to be automatically used every time when there are multiple method calls on the line. Clear this checkbox if you do not want to use smart step into automatically. |
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