In this tool window, you can explore CMake output messages, errors and warnings. The tab caption corresponds to the built type specified in CMake settings.
Tooltip and shortcut
Reload CMake Project
Click this button to reload the CMake project.
This action is also available via Tools | CMake and in the Find Action dialog (CtrlShift0A). You can also assign a shortcut for it in Settings | Editor | Keymap.
Stop CMake Project Reload
Click this button to cancel the process of CMake project reload. The button is grayed-out when there is no active reload running.
This action is also available in the Find Action dialog (CtrlShift0A), and you can assign a shortcut for it in Settings | Editor | Keymap.
Open CMakeCache file
Click this button to open the CMakeCache.txt file in the editor.
This action is also available in the Find Action dialog (CtrlShift0A), and you can assign a shortcut for it in Settings | Editor | Keymap.
Click this button to expand the drop down menu:
CMake Settings
Select this option to open the CMake Settings dialog box.
You can open CMake settings using the Find Action dialog (CtrlShift0A) and assign a shortcut for this action in Settings | Editor | Keymap.
This action is also available via Tools | CMake and in the Find Action dialog (CtrlShift0A). You can also assign a shortcut for it in Settings | Editor | Keymap.
Click this button to navigate to the previous error or warning.
Click this button to navigate to the next error or warning.
Use Soft Wraps
Click this button to turn the soft wrap mode for the output on or off.
Scroll to the end
Click this button to go to the last error or warning.